Can I use Aveeno on my dog? Essential Tips

Why would you use Aveeno lotion on your dog?

Aveeno lotion is made with oatmeal, a natural ingredient known for its soothing and moisturizing properties. Aveeno is a good choice for your dog because it’s natural, readily available and effective.

Some ingredients are toxic to dogs, such as diclofenac, zinc oxide and calcipotriene. These are found in everyday over-the-counter products like diaper cream, sunscreens and supplements for joint pain. You don’t want to apply these to your dog externally or let them be ingested.

Other problem ingredients are lidocaine (a numbing agent) and hydrocortisone (often used for human skin issues).

Aveeno’s lotions are free of all these ingredients, so it’s safe to use on your dog’s skin. Besides oatmeal, Aveeno’s ingredients include liquid paraffin and glycerin. These are also natural ingredients that help keep skin moisturized.

Aveeno may be safe for your dog, but as with any other product you want to use it safely. Never apply lotion to an open wound. (You will want to take your dog to the vet in that instance.) Aveeno is a moisturizer, not an antiseptic cream.

You also need to use just a little bit of lotion with your dog, since you don’t want them to lick off any excess.

Aveeno makes all kind of products – face cleansers, eye cream, face masks, make-up remover, face scrubs, sunscreens, and even hair and baby products. Of course, where your dog is concerned, you’ll want to stick with just the lotion. (Though some dogs are adorable with their hair styled!)

Why do dogs get dry or itchy skin?

There are many reasons your darling canine could be scratching. They could have allergies, fleas or dry and sensitive skin. Of course, you’ll have to address the flea issue if that’s the case. But it’s also essential to take action to soothe the skin safely.

Should I put lotion on my dog’s paws if they are dry?

It is perfectly safe to lotion your dog’s paws if they are dry, cracked, or peeling. It is important to never put lotion on an open wound or sore. When you moisturize your dog’s paws, you are avoiding potential health issues such as bleeding and infection. There will be many options in this article to help you choose the best way for you to keep your dog’s paws and skin hydrated. Some of them can be bought in the pet store or internet but there are also options that you can find right in your kitchen cabinets.

Can I use Aveeno Lotion On My Dog? | DogVela