Can I use diaper rash cream on my dog? Here’s What to Do Next

Tips to Prevent Diaper Rash:

  • If you must use diapers, ensure that the dog diapers you purchase are softly lined.
  • Go for diapers that can fit your dog’s body perfectly. But they don’t have to be too snug.
  • Make sure the hairs around your dog’s genitals are trimmed. You can get a professional to help you with that if you can’t do it by yourself.
  • Change your pet’s diaper frequently, especially when he has defecated. Doing this will reduce the risk of bacterial infections that can travel up your dog’s urinary tract.
  • Wipe the area around your dog’s genitals with high-quality baby wipes.
  • Before you put on the diaper, dust the area surrounding your pet’s genitals with a hypoallergenic powder.
  • If you notice that the powder does not agree with your dog’s skin, discontinue use immediately.
  • In case your dog already has a diaper rash, apply specially formulated antibiotic ointment for pets to kill infections that are present and soothe the skin.
  • If your dog wears diapers throughout the day and night, ensure to wash his genitals at least three to four times daily.
  • How to Deal with Incontinent Pets

    It is better to take your dog outdoors more often when managing urinary incontinence than to rely on diapers. While at home, you should always take your dog out 30 minutes after they have drunk water or eaten food. That’s the time when his body will likely get rid of urine. You need to exercise patience when living with dogs that are incontinent since this condition does not come with behavioral issues.

    You may want to reprimand or punish your pets when they urinate accidentally. But don’t punish them because it won’t solve the problem. Whatever you do, always consult your vet to know if there’s a way to reverse the condition.

    Always give your dog lots of water to drink even if they urinate often. Drinking a lot of water will help your dog avoid developing serious urinary tract infections such as a urethral blockage.

    How to Safely Apply Diaper Rash Cream to Your Dog

    Depending on where the rash is, it can be very easy to safely use the cream. If the rash is anywhere on the dog’s shoulders, you can apply the cream without worry. The dog won’t be able to reach the area with their tongue, so there’s minimal risk of ingestion there. Just keep an eye on your dog. The only chance they have to eat the cream is by using their back leg to scratch the cream off, then licking it off their paw.

    Next, if the rash is somewhere behind the dog’s shoulder, perhaps on their stomach, rear end, or ribcage, use a dog cone. Although they’re known colloquially as the “cone of shame”, there’s no shame in using these devices. These cones effectively prevent dogs from licking their bodies when you don’t want them to. They’re perfect devices for using rash cream, and there is a 0% chance of ingestion as long as the cone remains on their neck.

    Another method you could use if the rash is in this area is to put a shirt or sweater on your dog that covers the rash. While this may seem silly, it’s a great solution to the problem. Apply the cream, then put the shirt on the dog. Once you’ve done that, the dog cannot lick the cream nor further irritate the rash.

    Lastly, if the dog’s rash is somewhere on their head, such as their nose, things get tricky. There’s really no way to prevent a dog from licking its nose. So what do you do if there’s a rash on their nose? The best thing to do is use a dog-specific rash cream or use tiny amounts of diaper rash cream on your dog. There are rash creams that are specially formulated for dogs and can be ingested by them harmlessly.

    While Zinc Oxide is dangerous to ingest, your dog will be ok if it laps up a light amount. If you have no choice but to use diaper rash lotion on your dog’s nose, just use it very sparingly. However, no matter how light the layer of cream is, the dog will certainly notice, thanks to their incredible sense of smell. In this case, using dog-specific cream is the best option.

    Can I Use Diaper Rash Cream On My Dog? | DogVela

    When it comes to healing your dog’s rashes, it’s perfectly safe to use diaper rash cream. Brands such as Boudreaux’s, Desitin, and Aquaphor are all very effective remedies for rashes. … It would be very dangerous for your dog if they ingested the creme. This is because most rash creams contain Zinc Oxide.