Can I use Neosporin on my dog for itching? Expert Advice

Can You Put Neosporin on a Dog?

When used properly, its generally considered safe to put Neosporin on dogs, and the same goes for generic triple antibiotic topicals. But there are a few caveats.

Any topical applied to a dog will encourage that dog to lick the area. So, applying Neosporin means your dog will likely lick off the medication and ingest it.

Ingesting Neosporin can be problematic. In fact, injectable neomycin has been linked to hearing loss in dogs. Although licking a small amount of the drug may not be enough to cause any issues, it also might not be worth the risk. Additionally, ingesting antibiotics can upset the natural balance of microorganisms in the dogs gut—called the microbiome—potentially leading to diarrhea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal issues. The amount of active ingredients in Neosporin is low, so licking a little bit is unlikely to harm your dog. However, regular use can lead to GI upset.

Licking wounds can also cause irritation and introduce bacteria into the wound, which delays healing and can lead to infection. Licking can be prevented with an Elizabethan collar, commonly called a cone.

Its also possible for your dog to have an allergic reaction to Neosporin and similar products. The dogs may develop a rash, hives, or facial swelling. Anaphylaxis is a rare reaction, but its serious and requires immediate veterinary attention.

The general consensus is that dogs dont really benefit from topicals like Neosporin for minor injuries. Many vets find that minor wounds heal fine without topical medications (as long as the dog doesnt lick the area). Its best to clean the wound and call your veterinarian for advice, and avoid applying products like Neosporin unless your vet advises it.

How to Treat Your Dog’s Wounds

If your dog gets a small cut or scrape, gently clean the area with mild soap and water, then pat the area dry with a clean towel. If the wound is still bleeding, apply pressure for a minute or so. Contact your vet if the bleeding continues, the wound seems deep or severe, or if you notice foreign material in the wound.

Watch the area for the next few days, keeping it clean and dry. Be sure to prevent your dog from licking the area. Visit your vet if the wound continues to look swollen, starts oozing pus or fluid, or seems extremely painful.

What Happens if a Dog Licks Neosporin?

Neosporin may cause digestive upset for your dog if given in large quantities. That is why you should prevent your dog from licking it. On top of potentially causing tummy troubles for your pup, licking the area where you’ve applied Neosporin may also make his cut or scrape worse by introducing additional bacteria and moisture from your dog’s mouth to the area.

To stop your from dog licking the treated area, lightly cover it with a T-shirt, sock, Elizabethan collar, or any other dog cone alternative.

Is Neosporin Safe for Dogs? How to Heal a Basic Wound on your Dog?

Plenty of things might cause minor cuts and scrapes on your dog: Rooting through dense brush, stepping on a sharp stone, or getting whacked by the family cat, for example. When humans experience minor scrapes, we tend to use Neosporin to prevent infection. Neosporin is a brand-name antibiotic ointment that is found in almost every household, and it’s perfectly safe for humans. But is Neosporin safe for dogs?

When your dog has a minor wound on its body or face, you might think of reaching for that Neosporin tube and applying a bit to the wound site. It’s important to make a few considerations before you do, though. Remember: Neosporin is a product made for humans, not dogs.

Is Neosporin safe to use on your pup? Read on for a closer look at Neosporin and its ingredients.