Can Puppies Drink Evaporated Milk

Evaporated milk is an excellent base for your homemade puppy milk replacer. It is thick enough to mimic the dam’s natural milk, and has a high enough fat content to be nutritious. Some owners opt for more exotic bases such as goat’s milk, but evaporated milk is more readily available and easy to keep on hand.

How to Make Evaporated Milk for Puppies without Yogurt?

If your dog isn’t fond of the taste of plain yogurt, you can omitting the ingredient. Or you can try replacing with an ingredient of similar consistency and nutrient profile, such as mayonnaise.

Evaporated Milk for Puppies: How Useful Is It?

To begin with, here are some interesting stats about evaporated milk:

  • Whole evapoarted milk contains twice the amount of fats, proteins, and carbs than regular cow’s milk.
  • It contains high concentration of minerals like calcium, zinc, and magnesium.
  • The nutrient concentration of whole evaporated milk is fairly close to that of dog’s milk.
  • This makes whole evaporated milk a great choice for making homemmade puppy milk replacer. But is it safe for puppies? What about younger puppies? Can 3-week-old puppies drink evaporated milk? The good news is that using evaporated milk for puppies is absolutely safe, provided you give it in the right quantity.

    Moreover, it is a far better puppy milk substitute than pasteurized cow’s milk, which can cause diarrhea and sinus problems. Likewise, its nutrient profile is far suprior to that of goat’s milk.

    Here are two things you should ensure before giving evaporated milk to your pup:

  • Monitor your pup’s health and watch out for any signs of lactose intolerance.
  • Check the can of evaporated milk and confirm whether it is unsweetened. This is particularly important because evaporated milk and sweetened condense milk cans often look similar and are placed close to each other in grocery stores.
  • Also, excessive consumption of evaporated milk can cause side effects in your pup, such as diarrhea, vomitting, and stomachaches. That’s why, although evaporated milk is safe for puppies, you should restrict its usage. As a rule, you should only use it when you’re out of your regular supply of store-bought milk replacer.

    Now that you have decided to use evaporated milk for puppies, you must be yearning to find out how you can use it in milk replacement formulas.

    At What Age Can Puppies Drink Regular Milk?

    Ideally, you should never feed regular cow’s milk to puppies. This is because cow’s milk is pasteurized and doesn’t fulfill the nutritional needs of young and growing pups. While goat’s milk is easier to digest, its high lactose content makes it unsuitable for long-term use for dogs.

    However, you can use evaporated milk for pups as young as 3-weeks old. You just have to feed them the adequate quantity and wean them at the right time. Normally, dams start weaning their pups at 3 to 4 weeks old. However, the process continues till a pup is about 7 to 8 weeks old. You should also follow a similar evaporated milk weaning schedule for your puppy.


    Can puppies drink canned evaporated milk?

    So, it turns out that you can absolutely feed evaporated milk to puppies. If you need to figure out how to feed puppies, here is the guide to bottle-feeding puppies. Go with goat’s milk because it is much more recommended and easier on the dogs’ stomachs.

    Can I give my dog evaporated milk?

    Yes, you can get regular whole milk from adding water to evaporated milk. Use one can of evaporated milk with the same amount of water to get milk that is the same nutritional value as whole milk. Note that it may look a little darker than whole milk because of the evaporated milk process.

    How do you make puppy milk with evaporated milk?

    If you want to make a homemade puppy formula, try this recipe: Mix 1/2 cup of evaporated milk with 1 cup of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of corn oil or Karo syrup, 1 drop of pediatric multivitamin, 2 raw egg yolks, and 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt. Heat the formula to room temperature.

    What type of milk can puppies drink?

    Both normal milk and lactose-free milk, as well as other dairy products like cheese and ice cream, contain fat and should only be given occasionally in small amounts as treats. Pups can also safely consume small amounts of plant-based milk such as soy milk, coconut milk, and almond milk.