Can puppies eat tuna? What to Know

Discover delicious food your dog deserves

Additionally, whether your dog can eat tuna or not will depend on the kind of tuna you are offering. Even canned tuna can come in brine, springwater, or oil, and these methods of preservation have different caveats for your canine companion.

Not to mention, there are a number of different species of tuna swimming in our seas. So what kinds of tuna can your pup eat?

Canned tuna is a cheap and easy way for us to introduce fish into our diets, and most of us will have a can in our cupboard somewhere. But can we share tinned tuna chunks with our dogs?

Firstly, canned tuna is often meat from Albacore or Skipjack species of tuna. Of the two, Skipjack is the safer option for your pooch as it has lower levels of mercury.

However, canned tuna is often high in salt which isn’t good for our furry friends. You can find cans with no added salt though, and these are a better choice if you’re planning to share the fish with your pup.

Some canned tuna is cooked or “infused” with herbs and spices. While it might make them especially tasty for humans and great on salads, you should never feed your dog any tinned tuna that has additional seasonings and spices because they can cause illness.

Beyond the species, spices, and salt, canned tuna is also preserved in different liquids. You’ll find chunks in brine, sunflower oil, or freshwater, but which is safe for canine consumption?

Although a very small amount of tuna in brine shouldn’t be toxic, it’s best to avoid feeding it to your pooch. As you could probably guess, it contains a lot of salt which is bad for dogs and ingesting too much can cause sodium poisoning.

Tuna canned with sunflower oil is a little safer, but the best choice is by far tuna canned in spring water as it has less salt and fat compared to other kinds of canned tuna.

If you drain the fish thoroughly, it is safe to let your pooch eat a little tuna that was canned in oil. Sunflower oil is lower in saturated fat than other oils and can even offer some benefits for your dog’s fur if they eat a little.

However, consuming too much of any oil can contribute tounhealthy weight gain and inflammation. Sunflower oil contains omega-6 which is great for your dog’s health, but it must be ingested in conjunction with omega-3 to prevent inflammation and unwanted immune responses.

While eating a little tuna in sunflower oil is safe for your dog, the best choice is tuna canned in spring water.

Tuna steak is a tricky subject. Human connoisseurs will insist that bluefin is best, and we even eat our tuna raw in sushi and sashimi. But you should never let your pup eat tuna raw as it may carry parasites and is more likely to cause gastrointestinal upset compared to cooked fish. Additionally, you should never feed your dog bluefin tuna as it contains high mercury levels.

However, if your tuna steak is from species with lower mercury levels, such as Albacore or Skipjack, you can safely offer some to your pooch. These varieties are often used in canned tuna steak. If you want to offer your dog some fresh tuna steak, make sure it is cooked and served plain.

Tuna is better known as the ultimate cat treat, but dogs can also be attracted to the powerful smell of this popular pantry staple. So, if your dog is begging for a bite, here are a few things you should know before caving in to those puppy eyes.

Opinions differ when it comes to the question ‘can dogs eat tuna’. Tuna is safely used as an ingredient in many balanced dog foods, but when it comes to feeding extra tuna as a treat, there’s some conflicting advice out there. Some experts don’t hesitate to recommend this fish, while others advise against adding extra tuna to your dog’s menu.

There are definitely reasons to be cautious with tuna, but when fed very occasionally in moderation, tuna is unlikely to cause health issues for your dog. Every dog is different, so if you want to feed a dog tuna it’s important to offer very small quantities at first, to see how your dog reacts.

Tuna is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins – all important nutrients for a dog’s health and wellbeing. It also contains Omega 3 fatty acids which are good for the health of the skin, coat and cardiovascular system. This means that tuna is useful in some dog foods as a source of various nutrients.

When it comes to feeding extra tuna as a treat, there’s no need to give it for nutritional value. If you feed your dog a complete and balanced dog food, they should get all the nutrients they need from that.

How to serve tuna to your dog

If you intend to cook tuna for your pet, it is best to buy it in stakes and prepare it by steaming, grilling, or baking. Don’t add any salt or seasonings and be sure to remove any bones. Fishbones are very fine and if your dog swallows them, they can abrade or penetrate the lining of the digestive tract, causing aggravation or physical injury.

The fins, tail, and head of the tuna fish shouldn’t be fed to dogs as they also pose a choking hazard, can potentially cause oral trauma, and increase the risk of intestinal perforation. Fresh tuna should be thoroughly cleaned, deboned, and filleted before serving it to your pet.

If you’re not into cooking, canned tuna is a great option, but be sure it’s packed in water and that it doesn’t contain any spices or additives.

Can Dogs Eat Tuna (How Much?)