Diarrhea in Dogs – The Common Culprits
Below are some of the most common reasons for diarrhea in dogs:
With such a wide array of potential causes, it can be difficult to know when your dogs symptoms are reasons to contact your vet, read on for advice to help you decide when a case of diarrhea is worth a visit to the doctor.
The most straightforward indication that you should consider contacting your vet is when your dogs diarrhea is bloody. There are two types of bloody stool to look out for when your dog is experiencing diarrhea
Hematochezia results from bleeding in the lower digestive tract or colon. It is bright red in color and indicates certain potential medical complications.
Melena is blood that has been digested or swallowed. This dark, sticky, almost jelly-like blood indicates that a serious problem in your dogs upper digestive tract might be to blame.
Singular streaks of blood are often a fluke. However, if the bleeding is consistently present or if the bleeding is in larger amounts, that is a clear indicator of a much bigger problem, such as a viral or bacterial infection, parvovirus, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, and even cancer.
If you find blood in your dogs stool, in any amount, it is always best to contact your vet, describing exactly what you have observed will allow your vet to give you detailed instructions on what you should be watching for, and if it makes sense for your dog to come in for a visit based on their symptoms.
Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis
While not technically hematochezia, HGE is sudden, severe bloody diarrhea. The cause is unknown but may be bacterial. If you notice this kind of diarrhea in your dog, call a veterinarian immediately for assistance, as this condition can be fatal.
Common causes of melena
Ingesting toxins like antifreeze or rat poison can cause melena. Also, toxic foods such as grapes, onions, and garlic will send your dog into a medical emergency with black, tarry poop or bloody diarrhea.
What causes Bloody Poop in Dogs? | Veterinary approved
It is alarming whenever our canine companions clearly arent feeling great, and thats why it can be stressful when your dog has unexplained diarrhea. Today, our Palmdale vets explain some common causes of diarrhea, what to do if your dogs stool is bloody, and when its time to call an emergency vet.
Us vets at All Care Pet Clinic treat our fair share of Palmdale dogs suffering from diarrhea.
This is to be expected, mild bouts of diarrhea are very common in dogs and can be caused by mild intestinal distress. Often times intestinal distress is directly tied to food: whether it be an adverse reaction to your dog eating a small amount of something that doesnt agree with them, such as table scraps, or from switching to a new brand of dog food that isnt right for them.
That said, there are also a number of more serious reasons why your dog could have diarrhea, some of which will require veterinary attention immediately.