Can too much sun cause diarrhea in dogs? The Ultimate Guide

#3: Bright red or blue gums

Another sign of a dog overheating in hot weather is brightly colored gums. It may look funny, sure, but the underlying cause is anything but. The gums turn blue because of a lack of oxygen, and everyone knows that proper oxygen levels allow us to live to breathe another day! This is a more serious sign that the hot temperature is beating your poor pup to a pulp.

Signs of a dehydrated dog include sunken eyes and dry mouth, gums and nose. Poor skin elasticity is another dehydration symptom, which you can test by gently pulling up on the skin at the back of your dog’s neck. If the skin doesn’t immediately spring back to its normal position, your dog may be dehydrated. The longer it takes for the skin to return to its normal position, the more severe the dehydration.

To help prevent dehydration, offer field dogs water at least hourly, experts advise. Many enjoy hunting so much they run until collapsing, so owners should watch closely to know when their dog has had enough. Wobbliness, weakness or collapse are signs to provide shade and offer small amounts of water. If your dog doesn’t improve, seek immediate veterinary attention.

Your vet may apply alcohol to the ears, foot pads and groin to safely lower the temperature, as well as administer cool IV fluids. For serious overheating, your dog may need a breathing tube and artificial ventilation. Depending on the severity of symptoms, correcting electrolyte imbalances and controlling seizures may also be needed. If organ damage is suspected, hospitalization may be required.

#4: Collapsing

Dogs may collapse for several reasons, and none of them are good. This can be due to overheating, allergic reactions, and other medical conditions. Paired with any of these other signs, though, it is clear that Spot got a little too much sun. If it gets this severe, you must take your pup to the nearest animal hospital, stat.

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