Can You Give Bravecto And Heartgard Together

2018 marks my 25th year as a veterinarian. In that time I’ve seen lots of heartworm and flea products come onto the market. They all have their pros and cons. I know you likely read this newsletter because your pet has diabetes, but there is a good chance that your pet needs flea or heartworm prevention meds as well! I live and practice in South Florida, where we have the toughest fleas in America and heartworm disease is endemic. Here is my take on some of the most common flea and heart worm preventatives available:

I am a huge fan of Heartgard Plus. It has been out many years and is very tasty and effective. Word on the dog street is that it is truly delicious. It so much easier giving a pet medication when the pet gobbles it up as if it were a treat. Not all heartworm preventatives are so tasty.

For herding breeds, we usually avoid Heartgard Plus. We usually choose for herding breeds Trifexis or Sentinel as Ivermectin, the active ingredient in Heartgard Plus, can adversely affect herding breeds. This herding breed receptor defect is rare and at the dose in Heartgard Plus it would be unlikely to cause issues, but nonetheless, we do still guide the herding breeds toward Milbemycin which is the active ingredient of Trifexis or Sentinel Spectrum. Better safe than sorry.

Heartgard Plus treats for roundworms and all 3 types of hookworms. It also is a heartworm preventative. Heartgard Plus is given monthly. It does nothing for fleas nor ticks. When I have a pet who has had hookworms in the past, Heartgard Plus is my “go to” monthly heart worm preventative.

Sentinel has been on the market for many years. It has the same active ingredient as Trifexis(the next one on this list). It is very safe for all breeds. I like Sentinel Spectrum because it is a tasty chew whereas the original Sentinel is a hard little pill which is not at all tasty. Trifexis is not tasty and many of my clients have trouble getting the Trifexis into their pets because their dogs don’t care for the flavor.

What is the difference between Sentinel Spectrum and Trifexis? Sentinel Spectrum contains Program which is “birth control” for fleas. Trifexis contains Comfortis which is a flea adulticide. Clearly Trifexis is more effective for flea control than Sentinel Spectrum. Unfortunately, Comfortis can occasionally cause vomiting in dogs, particularly if given on an empty stomach. Compare this to how you feel icky if taking a multi-vitamin on an empty stomach, pets who take Trifexis on an empty stomach may vomit.

Sentinel Spectrum treats 2 of the 3 types of hookworms, whipworms, roundworms and 2 types of tapeworms and is a heartworm preventative.

When we choose Sentinel Spectrum, we probably will add in a flea adulticide product as well in South Florida. If the pet lives on the 6th floor of a condo and potties on a pee pad, then Sentinel Spectrum is a dandy choice by itself, without a flea adulticide. If you live up north you probably won’t need to pair Sentinel Spectrum with a flea adulticide in the wintertime. If the pet is a rootin’ tootin’ outdoorsman, we will recommend a flea adulticide product in addition to the Sentinel Spectrum. I usually pair Sentinel Spectrum with Bravecto or Nexgard.

Sentinel Spectrum does NOT treat for ticks. And as I mentioned above, it only acts as birth control for fleas. It does not kill adult fleas. Nonetheless, it will likely prevent a random flea who jumps onto your pet outside from turning your house into a flea infested home.

I like Trifexis. It is the combination of Milbemycin which is in Sentinel, Sentinel Spectrum and Interceptor plus Comfortis which is a flea adulticide. It has been on the market for about a decade. It’s a great product and is very effective for heartworm prevention and fleas and internal parasites, all in one pill.

Unfortunately, Trifexis has a few issues. The biggest complaint I hear is that it doesn’t taste good! Clients tell me how they have to cut it into bits and hide it in food or just send it down the hatch manually. It’s a hard little pill. Additionally, some pets will vomit when they take Trifexis, especially if they take it on an empty stomach.

If a pet has a history of seizures or any neurological issues, we do not recommend Trifexis. The evidence is fuzzy, but we err on the side of caution. Any neurologic patient should steer clear of Trifexis. Nonetheless, many pets do very well on it! How great to have one med that treats for fleas and 2 of the 3 kinds of hookworms and whipworms and roundworms and is a heartworm preventative! Make sure that you remember that Trifexis does not treat for ticks.

Revolution has been on the market for many years. It is a topical flea and heartworm preventative. It is a great product for treating fleas and for heart worm prevention. Unfortunately, it is not particularly great for internal parasites for dogs but it is better at GI parasites in cats. The company recommends that pets who take Revolutions also take Pyrantel, one of the ingredients in Heartgard Plus, if internal parasites are a concern. The manufacturer of Revolution will often provide clinics with Pyrantel to send with clients when they receive Revolution.

I (unfortunately) live in hookworm country. For this reason, I’m not the biggest fan of Revolution. Additionally, I’m more trusting of oral heart worm preventatives than topical heart worm preventatives. Revolution is great, but if I have to pair Pyrantel with a topical for hookworms, why don’t I just send an oral heart worm preventative. Besides, I don’t like to pet a critter and get goo on my hand.

One of my favorite times to use Revolution is for the very small breed dogs. Many of these dogs don’t like to take the oral options for heart worm prevention. Revolution can be used in dogs less than 5 pounds.

If we have a pet with food allergy, Revolution can be used as it is a topical. Many of the oral heart worm preventatives have beef or pork flavorings.

Another time when I reach for Revolution is for very itchy dogs. We see tons of allergy dogs here in South Florida. Sometimes we wonder if there is underlying sarcoptic mange (aka scabies). Scabies is really hard to identify. These mites are stinkers to find on skin scrapings and sometimes we will treat with Revolution, every 2 weeks instead of every month, for a total of 3 treatments. When we have a very itchy pet, particularly if they don’t respond well to our allergy treatments, we may try this 3-dose trial of Revolution. I probably use Revolution for this reason more than any other situation. Again, I see a lot of dermatitis here in hot, humid South Florida where allergic dermatitis is rampant.

I love Nexgard and Bravecto. I don’t have as much experience with Simparica as I do with Nexgard and Bravecto. Nexgard was the first of the oral flea and tick preventatives that came on the market. Then later that year a sister drug came onto the market called Bravecto. And more recently another sister drug called Simparica came out by yet a different company. I’m happy to report that they all have good palatability.

Nexgard, Bravecto, and Simparica all kill ticks and fleas. Nexgard and Simparica both last for one month for fleas and ticks. Bravecto lasts for 3 months for fleas and 2-3 months for ticks.

It’s easier to give a Nexgard or Simparica along with your heartworm preventative than try to remember to give Bravecto every 3 months. If you have memory issues, use the Nexgard or Simparica.

Both Nexgard, Bravecto, and Simparica are very effective against Demodex mites. Demodex (aka mange) is very common in the environment. Puppies are particularly prone to Demodex until their immune system fully develops. Bravecto and Simparica are approved for pets 6 months and older. If your pet is under 6 months of age you should use Nexgard. Using these products for puppies with Demodex makes me smile. For nearly 25 years I used daily Ivermectin for Demodex puppies, for weeks or months. It was a pain in the behind.

I do have a negative bias for topical medication simply because I don’t like petting a dog and having the topical goo on my hand nor have it on my sheets as my pets sleep with me and are on my furniture. I typically rely on oral flea medications for dogs because of this. (Note below that I tend to use topical medications for cats because many people have trouble getting oral medications into their cats.)

Activyl is a great drug. It is a topical that is approved for puppies 8 weeks of age and older. Activyl is a flea adulticide that has flea repellent qualities that are fantastic. It also kills the immature stages of fleas. If a pet is exquisitely sensitive to flea saliva, I may add Activyl into the treatment protocol. Activyl came out 6 years ago and there is no known flea resistance to it. It is a topical medication.

Advantage came out in the early 1990s. It has been a wonderful thing. There is minimal drug resistance and it remains a fantastic option for flea control. Again, I’m not a fan of topicals on dogs now that we have so many oral options. Advantage can be purchased over the counter at pet stores. There is a fancier option for Advantage called Advantage Multi that has Moxidectin for added heartworm protection and this is a prescription drug. Again, I prefer oral heartworm and flea preventatives for dogs. And, if I do have a dog with a food allergy and many of the orals have beef or pork, I tend to reach for Revolution as my topical medication of choice due to the aforementioned effectiveness for scabies. Nonetheless, Advantage Multi is a great product.

Unfortunately, Frontline has drug resistance such that the sturdy fleas we have in South Florida laugh at Frontline these days. Frontline is likely just fine for folks up north. The fleas in the northern USA are whimps compared to our sturdy South Florida flea population. One University of Florida dermatologist calls the fleas we have down here in South Florida “terrorist fleas”. This makes me laugh, and it is so true. There are numerous generics of Frontline available over the counter.

I’ve never been a fan of flea collars, but the Serresto collar, for both dogs and cats, is the best I’ve seen. It lasts for 8 months and has flea and tick repellent qualities. It needs to be worn snug to the skin (you should be able to slide 2 fingers between the collar and the pet) and once applied should not be removed. In general I prefer Bravecto or Nexgard or Simparica over the Serresto Collar, but for folks where there is a much worse tick issue than where I live this is a good choice. I hear these collars sell like hotcakes up north.

Revolution and Advantage Multi have both been on the market for many years. They are both topical flea and heartworm preventatives. They are both great products for treating fleas and for heartworm prevention. They also do a good job killing hookworms and roundworms in cats. I want my feline patients who go outside here in South Florida to be on a monthly heartworm preventative as there is no treatment for heartworm in cats. Cats can get heart worm disease. One of my vet nurses recently pointed out to me that Feline Revolution leaves the cats’ fur sticky for less time than Feline Advantage Multi. They are different products with similar efficacy and safety. I like them both.

Bravecto for Cats is a new product. It is a topical and lasts for 3 months for cats. For cats who are difficult to catch (especially feral cats), this flea product is fantastic! Or, if other products have failed you in the past, there is no known flea resistance to this product. One of my vet nurses used to have to apply Advantage every 3 weeks to her outdoor cat, but has recently had great success with Bravecto. Unfortunately, Bravecto does nothing for heartworm prevention. I live in heartworm country. If a cat goes outside and is battling tough fleas, we may use Bravecto, but we will need to add in a heartworm preventative as well here in South Florida. Heartgard for cats is a good pairing with Bravecto.

Similarly, I have used Activyl for cats and Cheriston for cats in the past. These products both work great for felines. They are topical monthly flea products. Since Bravecto for Cats came on the market, I rarely use Activyl or Cheriston. Again, I want my South Florida feline patients to be on heartworm prevention, so I usually reach for Revolution or Advantage Multi for my South Florida patients.

I’ve never been a fan of flea collars, but the Serresto collar (for both dogs and cats) is the best I’ve seen. It lasts for 8 months and has flea and tick repellent qualities. It needs to be snug to the skin so you can slide 2 fingers between the collar and the pet, and once applied should not be removed. It doesn’t have a “break away” piece should a cat get caught by the collar. I’ve seen cats come in with a Serresto collar and yet still have fleas. This is likely because most folks don’t wish to keep the collar on snugly.

I hope this helps you choose the best product for your pet. Have a chat with your local veterinarian if you need guidance. Your vet will know the local risks where you live.

NOTE: Consult your veterinarian first to make sure my recommendations fit your pets special health needs.

If you’re not using a product that treats all parasites, then combining these two products is a great option. Bravecto uses Fluralaner to kill fleas and ticks while Heartgard Plus uses Ivermectin and Pyrantel Pamoate to prevent heartworm disease and control roundworms and hookworms.

Can I give my dog Bravecto and Interceptor together?

Yes, but it is not recommended to give your dog Bravecto at the same time as Interceptor. Bravecto is a flea and tick treatment, while Interceptor is used to prevent heartworm.

Bravecto and Interceptor Plus are both systemic medications, meaning they are absorbed into your dog’s bloodstream and distributed throughout the body.

When given together, they can interfere with each other’s absorption or distribution. This could result in less effective treatment for one or both medications, or even an overdose of one or both drugs.

Bravecto is a chewable (jerky treat) form of prevention for fleas and ticks, it contains a pork based flavouring. It is given orally (by mouth) and is absorbed into the bloodstream and body tissues (specifically the fluid between cells). Since the medication works in the blood stream it is necessary for the flea or tick to bite before they ingest the product and die. This product is safe for pregnant and lactating female dogs. You should give it with food to be easier on the stomach and this will also improve how well it gets absorbed. Bravecto is effective for 12 WEEKS (roughly 3 months) of protection from fleas and ticks with each dose. Only for Dogs

Advantage Multi has also been on the market for several years, it is effective in treating fleas (and preventing them), and effective in preventing heartworm, whipworm, hookworm, and roundworm. Advantage Multi is not absorbed in the bloodstream, it is absorbed into the skin and works in the skin oils of the pet. The safety of Advantage Multi has not been tested in pregnant or lactating dogs. It is safe for any dog that is over the age of 7 weeks. Advantage Multi is a great option for flea and heartworm prevention for any dog who has issues with food allergies/sensitivities or is difficult to give oral medication. The topical application means that the product will need to dry for 8-12 hours before it is fully absorbed into the skin. After the initial 8-12 hours period if the dog gets wet with water it should not impact the efficacy of the product, if however the dog is being bathed with shampoo or spends significant time submerged in the water on a regular basis this may not be the product for your pet. Also Advantage Multi does not provide any protection against ticks, however it can be safely combined with other products (i.e. Advantix, Bravecto, Nexgard) safely. Also Advantage Multi (like Advantage) is safe for use in cats as a flea and heartworm prevention. For dogs and cats.

Bravecto: Active Ingredient: Fluralaner Prevents: Ticks (American dog tick/rocky mountain tick, deer tick, brown dog tick), fleas (cat/dog flea)

Advantage was the first topical flea treatment to come on the market back in the 90’s, it is a tried and tested product that is very effective as a form of flea control. Just like Advantix the product is applied directly to the skin and absorbed. Like all topical products it is a great choice for pets with food sensitivities, allergies, or if they are picky/difficult to give chews. Advantage is safe for both dogs and cats as a form of flea control. Advantage should be applied every 3 weeks instead of every 4 weeks if the animal is bathed with shampoo or spends large amounts of time in the water (i.e. swimming every day in a pool or lake), but otherwise Advantage is effective for 4 weeks (30 days to be exact). For dogs and cats.

Comfortis is an oral chewable tablet that is beef flavoured and produced by the same company that makes Trifexis. Both dogs and cats can take Comfortis for flea prevention and treatment. Comfortis last for 4 weeks at a time and is absorbed into the bloodstream and interstitial fluid of the pet. Just like any orally given preventative (with a full meal) the flea will need to bite to receive the product and die. Also like Trifexis and other oral prevention the flea will still die before it has a chance to produce an egg and will therefore control the flea infestation effectively. Comfortis is safe for pets aged 14 weeks and older (most likely safe in pets 8 weeks and older because Trifexis is, but no testing was done to confirm this), but has not been tested to see its efficacy and safety in pregnant or lactating female dogs or cats.

It can become overwhelming to try and find the right flea and heartworm prevention for your dog or cat. With this post we hope to answer some of your questions.

*There is Heartgard for cats, which we do not carry in office. Most cats are indoors and are not exposed to mosquitos as often as dogs. You can always order this online if it is something you would like to get through an online pharmacy like or

Nexgard= a chewable treat given once a month (can be given as early as 8 weeks) Bravecto= a chewable treat given once every 3 months (pet must be 6 months or older)

Nexgard and Bravecto cover fleas and ticks. You will need to add Heartgard to cover for heartworm. This should be started after 4 months of age and be given every month.

Dogs: If you have a dog we recommend that you look for a chewable preventative. Lucky for us, companies have now made the chewables tasty so that our pets think it is another treat.


Can you give a dog heartworm medicine and flea medicine at the same time?

It is a once a month, ORAL, flea and tick prevention for dogs. No more sticky, smelly topicalls. It can be given at the same time as their monthly Heartgard- ONCE-a- MONTH! They are so easy to give, dogs think they are treats.

Do dogs need Bravecto and Heartgard?

Nexgard and Bravecto cover fleas and ticks. You will need to add Heartgard to cover for heartworm. This should be started after 4 months of age and be given every month. * All products mentioned go by weight range so use the one that correlates to your pets weight.

Can I give my dog flea and tick and heartworm at the same time?

Not only is it absolutely fine, it’s usually highly recommended by vets that pet owners do so. This is because the two prevention products each protect against different parasites; NexGard for flea and tick infestations, and Heartgard specifically for heartworm infections.

Can Heartgard be given with other medications?

While both versions treat heartworms, Heartgard Plus also protects against intestinal worms and other parasites. If your dog is taking other medications for hookworms and/or roundworms, do not administer Heartgard Plus, as these medications can interact.