Can you rename a dog after a year? Simple and Effective Tips

Method #2: Rename with a Rhyming Name

Another solution is to choose a new name that rhymes with the old name.

Jerry can become Harry, Bella came become Nella. It’s super easy…yes, easy peasy…to change your dog’s name this way.

Showing Your Dog His New Name Means Happy Times!

Regardless of the method you choose to change your dog’s name, be sure to associate your dog’s new name with lots of praise and joy–and some tasty training treats will help, too.

Use some treats he REALLY likes and cut them into small (pea-sized) pieces.

With the treats in your hand, take your dog to a quiet place where you’ll have his full attention. He should have already exercised and relieved himself so there are no distractions.

When your dog looks at you, say his name once then immediately give him a treat and say “Good!” in a very enthusiastic tone. (If you’ll be training with a clicker, immediately click the clicker and give the treat.)

Wait for your dog to look away then again say his name one time. As soon as you have eye contact, again give him a treat and an enthusiastic “Good!” (and a click, if you’re clicking).

Take a few steps away to change the angle between you and your dog and repeat the exercise. Work with him for about five minutes.

If you’re not successful, make sure there are no distractions in the area and make sure your puppy has already been exercised.

Also, giving your puppy a peek at the treat in your hand and the chance to sniff it can be a help.

Finally, don’t schedule the training session (or any training session) right after his feeding time; the motivation of a yummy treat is important!

Associating your dog’s new name with good things and happy times will help your new dog learn his new name and, most importantly, the place he holds in his new forever home.

Dogs typically get used to their new names very quickly. But don’t worry if it takes your dog a little longer. All dogs are different, and yours will catch on before you know it!

What’s in a name? For a new dog parent like yourself, it can be a symbol of your dog’s new identity and new life with you. Although most dogs already have names given to them by adoption organizations or previous owners, many adopters choose to re-name their new dogs as a way of making them part of the family. Can you change a dog’s name? If you decide to re-name them, here are a few tips on how to change a dog’s name and make that process as smooth as possible.

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