Can you see grass mites on dogs? Expert Advice

Symptoms of Harvest Mites in Dogs

Harvest mites may not sound like a serious health problem for your dog; however, if left untreated, your dog can develop a secondary bacterial infection. Some dogs are allergic to the fluid that the mites inject into their skin and this can cause severe irritation. If you notice your dog is itching constantly or you notice orange bumps or a red dusting on their skin, you should have your veterinarian check your dog over thoroughly. Your dog will most likely itch on his ears, between his toes, armpits, stomach, chest and chin.

  • Reddening of the skin
  • Crusting on the skin
  • Orange dots on the skin
  • Red “dust” on the skin
  • Intense itching
  • Causes of Harvest Mites in Dogs

    The fluid that the harvest mite injects into your dog’s skin is actually a digestive enzyme that causes the skin to liquefy which then allows the mite to ingest the skin cells. They will feed for 2 to 3 days before they drop off your dog. During those 2 to 3 days of feeding, the mite will grow in size to about 3 to 4 times its original size.

    The digestive enzyme most likely causes an allergic reaction in your dog. This then causes him to scratch at the offending mites. When your dog itches or scratches at his skin, he can cause abrasions that can then become infected.

    Possible consequences of untreated harvest mites on dogs

    Fortunately, there are no known diseases that can be transmitted from harvest mites to dogs.

    If the infestation with grass mites is not given the necessary attention and the annoying parasites are not treated, this can have further unpleasant consequences for the affected dogs.

    Excessive licking and scratching can lead to inflammation of the skin over time. Since grass mites like to attach themselves to the ears of dogs, the development of a so-called blood ear is also possible.

    Unlike other parasites, such as fleas, harvest mites disappear on their own. Since they cause severe itching in most dogs, affected quadrupeds should still be treated.

    Treating A Dog With Mites | Critter Fixers, Country Vets

    Harvest mites are particularly common in dogs and can be a real plague during the warm months of the year. Among other things, they cause severe itching and, in the worst case, can even lead to skin inflammation.

    In the following we will explain how you can recognise harvest mites in your dog, what you can do against an infestation with the annoying parasites and what possibilities there are for prevention.

    Harvest mites (Neotrombicula autumnalis) are also known as autumn grass mites or autumn mites. Like all mites, they are arachnids. As so-called ectoparasites, they attack the body of their host animals externally, where they then feed on body fluids.