Can you use baby formula for puppies? Surprising Answer

How do I feed orphaned puppies?

Most puppies will suckle on small pet nursing bottles, also known as pet nursers. When bottle fed, puppies will nurse until they are full and then reject the bottle.

Be sure the opening in the nipple restricts the outflow of fluid to one drop at a time in order to avoid a flow rate that is too rapid for the puppy. When the flow rate is too rapid, it can lead to aspiration, pneumonia, and/or death; and when the flow is too slow they have to work too hard to nurse.

When feeding, hold the puppy in a horizontal, head-neutral position as it would be when feeding from its mother. If the puppy is too weak to suckle, your veterinarian can show you alternative feeding methods and assist in tube feeding if needed.

TIP: Handling puppies during feeding contributes to critical socialization.

What should I track in a logbook?

Maintaining a logbook about the orphaned puppies does not need to be complicated. The intent is to simply keep track of how they are doing so you can identify if there are any potential concerns with their development.

Tracking their weights, milestones, and routines are key, so be sure to record details of when their eyes open, when their teeth begin to erupt, their food intake, and stool consistency.

TIP: Individual puppies must be identified in some way, so consider colored collars or nail polish on a few front toenails.

Another consideration to keep in mind when it comes to giving milk to a puppy is: never feed a puppy a cold or chilled formula. Puppies cannot regulate their body heat by themselves, and it is up to you to keep the ambient temperature warm for them.

When considering puppy milk replacement formulas, vets and breeders recommend well-known brands like Breeder’s Edge, Pet-Lac, Farnam, Nuturall, Just Born, GNC Pets Ultra Mega Premium Milk Replacer, and All Star Universal Milk Replacer. Some are made with goat’s milk (which is easier for puppies to digest), and most are available as either a powder (which you reconstitute with water) or as a canned liquid formula. Pay attention to those that have colostrum added – colostrum is a natural element found in the mother’s milk that helps boost the puppy’s immune system.

There are times when a mother is unable to nurse her pup; whether she isn’t lactating, isn’t present, or has (unfortunately) rejected the puppy. Those are the times when an alternative milk supply is necessary. Luckily, there are options.

If the puppy is not thriving after a few days on the goat’s milk formula, add two egg yolks and two dissolved packets of unflavored gelatin. The gelatin helps to build strong bones and teeth. Keep the formula in the refrigerator. Don’t be alarmed if it solidifies. When you warm it up before feeding, it will liquefy again.

If you have any concerns at all about your puppy’s health, see a veterinarian right away. This article is NOT a substitute for veterinary advice, and you should always follow your vet’s instructions as they are specifically tailored for your pup. While you set up a consultation with the vet, enroll your new friend in puppy insurance while he’s still very young to avoid exclusions like pre-existing conditions.

What Can You Feed a Newborn Dog Besides Formula? : Pets & Health

I have bred over 350 litters of GSDs in the 30+ years of my breeding career. Over those years, we have done our share of caring for newborns that need help. We have also come up with our own newborn puppy formula that I think is the best we have seen. You can also make this formula at home.

If you are hand-raising puppies and they develop medical problems, you will need to contact your vet. Please do not email me and ask what to do. It would be inappropriate for me to guess at the medical needs of your sick puppy.