Canned Pumpkin Stop Dogs Eating Poop

If your dog is a poop eater, make sure you go outside with them so you can quickly distract them if they start eating poop and pick it up right away. Add meat tenderizer, canned pumpkin, or another deterrent to his food. These items taste fine going down, but they make poop taste terrible to dogs.

Why do dogs eat their poop?

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop Many people believe nutritional deficiency is the only factor which causes dogs to eat their poop. However, there are a large number of reasons – medical causes as well as behavioral intentions. Often puppy owners specifically will see this first hand; many dogs will even eat other dog’s excrement.

Dogs are just like humans in the sense that both host a variety of microorganisms in their gut. The balance of microorganisms in dog’s stomachs are known as the microbiome, which is critically important to their health. Your dog can eat only the best grain-free food and still fall victim to doggy stress, mimicking others, or many behaviors or medical reasons listed below.

Dog’s can eat their poop for as simple of a reason as attention seeking, or they can also be eating stool for as complicated of an issue as having dog pancreatitis or dog diabetes.

  • Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) – also known as pancreatic insufficiency, when your dog is creating little to no digestive enzymes in the pancreas. Without added enzymes, dogs will slowly starve. Symptoms include weight loss, diarrhea, and stool eating – trying to get much-needed nutrients.
  • Parasites – Intestinal parasites that absorb the nutrients your dog should often be getting leads to your dog craving stool. Healthy dogs can end up with intestinal parasites by eating stool. We recommend at least a regular 6-month stool analysis.
  • Enzyme deficiency – the canine diet in the wild works in harmony with its surroundings. When canines eat prey, they will eat the whole prey, including their guts, which naturally contains the appropriate amount of digestive enzymes the dog needs. Dogs are led to coprophagia seeking the undigested nutrients – the typical kibble-heavy, highly processed diet is obviously lacking enzymes.
  • Pancreatitis – The pancreas makes enzymes that help the body digest food. Without these enzymes, their bodies cannot use the food that is being consumed.
  • Intestinal infections
  • Malabsorptive syndrome
  • High-fat diet
  • Over or underfeeding will cause medical problems
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid issues
  • Plain boredom. If your dog is home all day without much to do, he may find a new way to entertain himself while also getting a little treat in the process.
  • Stress or anxiety – Some dogs, especially dogs in kennel situations, may eat stool because of feeling anxious or stressed.
  • Female dogs will naturally clean up puppies waste to naturally clean up the “nest” so to speak.
  • Doggy see doggy do – often the poop eating dogs are simply mimicking others. There was a study by the University of California, Davis in 2013 which found the poop eaters are more likely to live with other dogs and are “greedy eaters”. Older dogs within the household can often pass their dirty habit off to younger dogs in the household.
  • Dogs are natural scavengers and surprisingly, poop tastes great to dogs! Dogs are attracted to scent and are not repulsed by the smell of waste like us humans.
  • Cleaning up their environment (that’s supposed to be your job). Given puppies see their female mothers cleaning up after their messes, this drive for cleanliness can lead to poop eating later in life.
  • Attention seeking. If your dog is feeling ignored even getting in trouble will please them. Sneaking into the yard, rolling in the mud, then chowing down on a fecal snack allows the dog to not only get our attention but allows him to get a treat during the process.
  • If caught pooping in the house, they will clean up the evidence
  • Fun Facts About Dogs Eating Poop

    Remember the study from the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior? Here are some interesting facts they determined in the surveys.

    The first survey included 3,000 dog parents, the second survey was narrowed down to just those dogs from the first survey that ate poop.

    And this is what they found:

    There’s no evidence that related coprophagy to diet or age.
    Coprophagic dogs were likely to be described as aggressive or eager eaters.
    Ease of house-training was not related to eating poop.
    Females were more likely to eat poop. Intact males were the least likely to eat poop.
    85% of poop eaters don’t eat their own poop.
    Dogs overwhelmingly preferred feces that were under two days old. (This may be because of the parasites present. Eggs are killed in the digestive system, once hatched, they’re able to take up residence in the intestines.)
    Home remedies and commercial products aimed at making poop taste bad or aversion/deterrent products were NOT effective in controlling the behavior.
    Some breeds are more prone to coprophagia than others, with terriers and hounds being most likely and poodles least likely.
    Coprophagia is more common in multi-dog households.

    How can you stop a dog from eating poop?

    There are some common household products out there that claim to help stop poop consumption. They rarely work, and actually just eliminate the symptoms, not the underlying behavioral reasons. Here are some that you may have heard of and why they aren’t a good idea.

    Pineapple: Contains bromelain believed to make the poop bitter. Pineapple is a wonderful treat for your dog but may send mixed messages if you don’t want them eating poop.

    Chili or hot sauce: The bitter taste may not be pleasant to your dog, causing them to avoid or turn down the tasty poop nugget, but it could cause burns to the mouth or digestive upset.

    Yucca: Makes poop taste bitter and dogs rarely like it.

    Bitter Spray: Again, makes the poop taste bitter

    Brewers Yeast: High salt content and full of vitamin B, and makes the poop taste bitter. There’s a belief that dogs that eat poop lack vitamin B, so if that’s what you’re after, there are better ways of providing it.

    Meat Tenderizer: Many add it to their dog’s food to stop poop eating. However, it contains way too much salt for your canine. It contains bromelain as well, making the poop taste bitter.


    How much pumpkin do I give my dog to stop eating poop?

    The Merck Veterinary Manual states that adding 1-to-4 tablespoons of pumpkin per meal to the diet of a dog suffering from constipation can help ease mild constipation.

    How much pineapple should I give my dog to stop eating poop?

    Add 2 to 3 chunks of pineapple to your dog’s meal once a day. Any more than that, and it could upset your dog’s stomach. When you feed them their food, add in a few chunks of pineapple that they can eat. If your dog likes it, they will hopefully just eat it right out of the bowl.

    What to put on poop to stop dog from eating it?

    Do-it-yourself suggestions to help you stop your dog from eating his own poop include:
    1. Coat stools with hot sauce or lemon juice. Add a few tablespoons of canned pumpkin to his food bowl each day. …
    2. Add meat tenderizer to your dog’s food (it will make the dog waste taste VERY bad).
    3. Keep waste picked up on a regular basis.