Chewable Pepto Bismol For Dogs

Dogs, like people, can be afflicted with stomach problems, including indigestion, diarrhea, and gas. Although severe or prolonged symptoms should always be treated by a veterinarian, minor cases of stomach upset or diarrhea can be cared for at home with “people” medications that are safe for dogs. If symptoms persist or if you’ve never given a food or medication mentioned below to your dog, call your veterinarian.

Point Blank: Is Pepto Bismol Safe for Dogs?

You should alwayscontact your vet before offering your dog any medication – even somethingas seemingly innocuous as Pepto Bismol. Dogsoccasionally have health conditions that can make otherwise-safe medicationsdangerous. So, take five minutes and get your vet on the line.

Additionally, Proctor & Gamble (the company that makes Pepto) explains that the medication is for humans and that you should “consult your veterinarian for treatment” of pets.

That said, PeptoBismol is generally considered safefor dogs (important note: Pepto is very toxic to cats, so you should nevergive it to your feline).

Most vets – including the AKC’s Chief Veterinary Officer Dr. Jerry Klein – recommend that you should avoid giving Pepto Bismol to dogs for an extended period of time.

Typically, this meansyou can give your dog one or two doses, but if this doesn’t solve the problem,you’ll want to take your dog into the vet for a thorough evaluation.

While Pepto Bismol is generally safe for dogs, some generic formulations may have xylitol or other dangerous ingredients. Accordingly, owners must always scan the ingredient list (including the “inactive ingredient list” which is sometimes placed in a different location on the packaging) before giving their pup any medication.

Side Effects

Side effects are rare and usually mild. The most common side effects are constipation, oddly colored stools (grey, black, or green), or a darkened tongue. If your dog exhibits shortness of breath or starts acting “off,” get to an emergency vet clinic immediately and let them know any prescription drugs he’s on, including the Pepto. They can check for gastric bleeding or other rare complications.

Can I Give My Dog Pepto Bismol?

Is Pepto Bismol safe for dogs? Pepto Bismol is generally safe for dogs, but that doesn’t mean you should give it to your pup without first checking with your veterinarian. Never give your pup human over-the-counter (OTC) medications without your vet’s okay. Your vet knows your dog’s medical conditions and health history, so they can determine what is and isn’t safe for your particular pup.

Some veterinary experts are hesitant about recommending Pepto Bismol because the salicylates in the medication could cause gastric bleeding in some dogs. And the bismuth in the medication typically turns dog poop black, making it very difficult to spot any blood in a dog’s stool — a sign that there’s gastric bleeding.

Warning: Never give cats Pepto Bismol or any product containing bismuth subsalicylate. Bismuth subsalicylate is extremely toxic for cats.


Can dogs have Pepto-Bismol chewables?

Pepto-Bismol can be used in dogs, but it does not suit every dog, and chronic use is not recommended. If your dog has gastrointestinal signs and you’re considering using Pepto-Bismol, you should consult with your veterinarian first and administer the medication to your dog only under their direction.

How much chewable Pepto-Bismol can I give my dog?

Pepto Bismol Dosage for Dogs. Chewable tablet dosage: When giving the chewable tablets to your dog, it’s recommended that the medicine is administered at a dosage of 8.5 mg per 1 pound (Regular Strength Pepto Bismol Chewable Tablets).

How many mg is chewable Pepto?

Do not give your dog Ultra Pepto Bismol, which is concentrated with twice the amount of bismuth subsalicylate. This 2X concentrate is unsafe for your pup. Also, do not give your dog Pepto Bismol caplets. If you’ve never given your dog Pepto Bismol before, talk to your vet first to make sure it’s safe for your pup.

Can I give my dog Pepto Bismol caplets?

Do not give your dog Ultra Pepto Bismol, which is concentrated with twice the amount of bismuth subsalicylate. This 2X concentrate is unsafe for your pup. Also, do not give your dog Pepto Bismol caplets. If you’ve never given your dog Pepto Bismol before, talk to your vet first to make sure it’s safe for your pup.