Cornstarch For Matted Dog Hair

Even with daily grooming, you may find a mat hiding behind your dog’s ear, under their armpit or hidden in the groin area. These are common areas where friction can cause dog hair to tangle and mat. Here’s a really easy hack that we put to the test using cornstarch and a simple dog comb.

As Newfie owners, we all know that at some point in time our dogs are going to get mats and tangles.

You’re Newfie is going to get some mats no matter how much you brush, comb, bathe or take them to the groomer.

Dog Grooming Hack #1: Cornstarch

Pre-treat tangles: Sprinkle cornstarch on mats and tangles before brushing to help loosen knots. Use as dry shampoo: Sprinkle on oily areas and brush away the greasies between baths. Whiter whites: Sprinkle on white markings and brush out to get them dazzling bright.

What’s the rub about mats?

If you’re the mom of a Goldendoodle, Poodle mix, or a long-haired dog, you’ve probably encountered a nasty mat hiding behind a fluffy ear, underneath an “armpit,” or along the collar area. Even with consistent brushing, at-home grooming, or taking your fur baby to a professional groomer, mats can happen.

The culprit is basically friction. Rubbing causes the hairs to tangle. Over time, the tangle turns into a mat—a combination of loose and attached hairs. Of course, preventing mats in the first place is ideal. However, mats can creep up quickly, so having dematting solutions at the ready is the next logical option in giving your dog a healthy coat.

Find a spot in your home (or even outside) that’s comfy for your dog.

In choosing your work surface, keep in mind that cornstarch is messy! You may want to choose a location that’s easy to clean, or try placing a towel over your work surface.

For our session, the grooming table was the obvious location. Chloe is used to hopping up on the table for brushing and grooming. (Yes, I groom my fluffy Muppet dog myself and even enjoyed learning how to trim a Goldendoodle’s face.)

Before beginning, I gave Chloe a peanut butter-filled Kong toy as a distraction. It kept her occupied and happy as I worked on the mat. (Also, it’s always worth mentioning that some brands of peanut butter contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is highly toxic to dogs. Please check labels.)

Cornstarch for Matted Dog Hair: A Heck of a Hack

Rather than pull your own hair out trying to tame the dog tangles, please watch the video below for tips on how to use cornstarch for matted fur. For step-by-step instructions, read on.


Can I put corn starch on my dog?

Use corn starch to help loosen matted dog hair. Rub some into the mat to help loosen, then brush out. Don’t assume that conditioner will remove or loosen mats. They must be brushed and combed out thoroughly before the bath.

How do you get severe matting out of a dog’s hair?

Cleaning Your Dog’s Coat

Carefully apply corn starch to his coat and rub it in with your fingers. If you desire, mix equal amounts of cornstarch and baby powder, to leave pleasant smell. Don’t worry if you dog licks his coat, because cornstarch is nontoxic and won’t hurt him.

What helps detangle matted hair on dogs?

DIY detangling tools
  • Slicker brush. A good everyday grooming tool with thin wires, which can help work out most mats.
  • Undercoat rake. If you have a dog with a mix of long and short fur, such as a golden retriever or a collie, use one of these — it’s the best-kept secret of dog groomers.
  • Comb. …
  • Mat splitter.