Dark Blood Forming Inside Dog Nails

If blood from the injury remains inside the nail it will also darken due to the hemoglobin in the blood breaking down and becoming methemoglobin, and then hemichrome. Leading to a black appearance. So if your dog has red nails, it is much more likely to be an infection of some kind.

What causes a dog’s nails to turn black?

There are several possible reasons for your dog’s nails to turn black. One of them is an infection caused by bacteria or a fungus. If this is the case, topical medications can be used for treatment. If the infection is more severe, the dog may require a course of oral antibiotics or other medication.

Another reason for black-colored nails can just be hyperpigmentation and genetics. Some breeds have dual nail colors that are usually white when they’re puppies and turn black when they grow. If this is the case, there is nothing to worry about.

Reason Why Do Dogs Have Nails

Let me start by describing the structure of a dog’s nail so you can understand how they put the nails to use.

Canine nails are curvy and are noted around the end of a dog’s toe. They are made up of a form of protein containing dead cells known as keratin when overgrown they make clicking sound and they come in different colors.

Dark Blood Forming Inside Dog Nails

The nail has several tiny blood channels (vessels) and nerves that are embedded in the quick (the sensitive part of the nail).

Before Asking Why Are My Dogs Nails Turning Red, you should be sure to understand that canine nail comes in different colors and also know that most cases of Dog nail color changes are natural and not a cause for alarm. Can dog shed their nails? Find Out Here.

There are several reasons why your dog has nails.

1. Balance & Traction Your dog is not slipping and falling because of his nails’ function to maintain his balance. Naturally, pups are structured to get a hold on the ground to avoid falling, this is done by the nails. See Amazing Functions Of The Dog’s Dewclaws.

2. Gripping Dogs will grip items such as toys, bones solid foods and balance them comfortably in their mouths. They use the nails to grip whatever they are attacking and finally as an external defense medium. Dogs also use their claws to run smoothly in uneven surfaces, nails prevent pets from twisting and injuring themselves.

3. Digging. A dog can dig out whatever it wishes from the ground using his claws to perform the task. By nature, canine claws are strong enough to withstand wears and tears when that may result from digging.

Dog nails are very tough and strong, but despite that, they are very susceptible to bacteria or fungal infection and other forms of disorders including color change. Secondary toenail infections can set in when dog nails break or get injured, although this may not be a direct reason why your dog’s nail changes color to red (Dog Nail Discoloration).

Why might a dog’s nails turn red?

One of the primary symptoms of a fungal infection is nail discoloration. In the case of red nails, one cause could be a yeast infection. This is sometimes mistaken for trauma as if there were an accumulation of blood.

The best way to determine if the red color is caused by an infection or not is to observe the dog. If he is licking and chewing at the paws, it’s most likely itchy and therefore could be infected.


Why does my dogs nails look bloody inside?

Nail Basics – The nail of a dog has a blood supply and a nerve Inside of it; this is sometimes referred to as the “Kwlk”. When trimming a dog’s nail you must try not to cut the nail to short and cut Info this area. If you do cut into this area you will cause pain and the nail will bleed.

Why is my dogs nail turning black?

If your dog’s nails are turning brown or red, it is most often a sign of a yeast infection. Most yeast infections are due to allergy flare-ups. Infections associated with allergies can be the result of environmental, seasonal, and food sensitivities.

How do you know if a dog’s nail is infected?

Fungal, Bacterial, or Yeast Infections

Black, white, or brown discoloration in your dog’s nails can be a sign of a fungal or bacterial infection. Symptoms of a fungal infection in a dog’s nails include: Itchiness or tenderness.