Diy Flea Bath For Dogs

As dog owners, you want your dog looking and smelling good, but you also don’t want them covered in fleas. A flea infestation not only makes your dog miserable, but they also make your entire home uncomfortable as they feed off humans and animals alike.

Rather than use a commercial pet shampoo containing toxic chemicals you can make your own homemade flea shampoo for dogs using one of our simple recipes. One of the best things about our DIY flea shampoo for dogs recipes is they only make enough for a single bath.

With our homemade dog shampoo for fleas and ticks, you never have to worry about storing excess shampoo, unless you want to. Another upside to the single-use benefit is if one of our homemade dog shampoo recipes doesn’t work for you, you can switch shampoos the next time you bathe your dog.

Apple Cider Vinegar Flea Shampoo

The first homemade flea shampoo on our list involves apple cider vinegar with water and dish soap. You will need the following ingredients for a successful flea shampoo:

  • 1 Cup of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 Quart of Warm Water
  • 1 Cup of Liquid Dish Soap (If your dog has sensitive skin, Dawn has a unique soap that is tailored to be gentle).
  • First, you should combine the warm water and the apple cider vinegar in a large bowl. Once these two ingredients are combined, slowly add the liquid dish soap. Mix these ingredients together, then pour them into a spray bottle. Once it is in the spray bottle, give it a gentle shake to ensure everything is properly combined.

    Next, put your doggy into the bathtub and spray them with your shampoo. You use this flea shampoo just like you would regular dog shampoo. For the best results, massage it into your dogs coat for 5 minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

    Finally, dry your dog with a towel. You can repeat this process a few times a week until all fleas are gone. This solution will leave your dogs coat smooth and soft.

    Apple cider vinegar is acidic, and this is what will help to kill any fleas. It will also kill any bacteria your dog may have on their skin, reducing flaky skin. The vinegar will also stop dander build-up in your dogs coat.

    The liquid dish soap will help smother the fleas because it doesnt allow air to pass through your dogs coat. This is why the 5-minute minimum shampoo massage time is so valuable.

    Homemade dry shampoo for dogs

    If you bathe a dog too frequently, more than once a month or so, you run the risk of drying out your dog’s skin. Between baths, a dog’s natural hair and skin chemistry reassert themselves, and you should give them time to do so. One potential solution between traditional baths is a homemade dry shampoo for dogs. These DIY dry dog shampoos tend to involve baking soda, another item found in most homes and easy enough to get at any grocery store.

    Massaging a dry shampoo into your dog’s skin will give the dog the sensation of being petted and caressed without the resistance you might face in the traditional wet bath scenarios.

    Several homemade dry shampoos for dogs also include baking soda. These tend to involve:

  • 1 cup of baking soda
  • 1 cup of corn starch
  • A few drops of an essential oil* — lemon and lavender seem to be the most popular.
  • Not all essential oils are good for dogs, so only use one that is veterinary recommended as dog-safe and in a dog-safe quantity.

    Sprinkle the mixture on your dog and massage it into the dog’s skin with your hands or with a comb or brush. It is best not to use too much baking soda at a time — a cup for a mid-sized dog, half a cup for a very small dog or puppy— and not to apply this method too frequently, since the residue from the powder can accumulate, no matter how much a dog shakes himself afterward. A dry homemade shampoo for dogs is a good stopgap, but nothing beats the fun of having your dog shake water all over you or your bathroom from time to time.

    Another way to keep your dog stink-free between baths? Homemade doggy deodorant >>

    Is There a Way to Prevent Fleas on My Dog?

    In addition to using one of our homemade flea killer sprays, there is a spray you can make to repel fleas and ticks. The spray is safe to use on your dog’s coat between shampoos and can also be used around the home and in the yard.

    To make the spray, combine one cup of white vinegar and three cups of water inside a large spray bottle. Shake to mix well.

    Our first homemade dog shampoo kills fleas and is an ideal choice for dogs with sensitive skin. Discover how this shampoo can get rid of fleas without irritating your dog’s skin.tb1234

  • ½ cup of water
  • ¼ cup white or apple cider vinegar
  • ¼ cup dish soap or baby shampoo
  • tb1234

    This shampoo can be mixed inside a spray bottle or an old condiment bottle. Pour all ingredients into the container and wash your dog as usual.

    Shampoo should sit on your dog’s coat for at least five minutes before you rinse it out. During those five minutes use a flea comb to remove any dead fleas.

    Any dog that doesn’t like water can be impossible to bathe. Dry flea shampoo cannot only be helpful in those situations; it is an excellent alternative to regular baths. Too many baths can cause skin problems in dogs, dry shampoos allow you to keep the fleas at bay without harming your dog’s skin or coat.tb1234

  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 4 drops lemon or lavender essential oil
  • tb1234

    Combine baking soda with cornstarch in a medium bowl. Add two drops of essential oil and stir to mix. Add two more drops if needed.

    With your dog over a towel, work the powder into their coat, paying close attention to the groin, stomach, and neck. The essential oils in this dry shampoo will also keep flies off dogs.


    What can I bathe my dog in to kill fleas?

    One of the first solutions to get rid of fleas is to bathe your pet. Just lukewarm water, or water and a mild soap, can help get fleas off your pet’s fur and skin. The dish soap can help to drown adult fleas. If you’re thinking about using a flea shampoo or something similar, talk to your veterinarian first.

    What is the best homemade flea shampoo?

    1. Using a clear squirt bottle (found here), add equal parts of vinegar, dish soap, and water depending on the size of your container.
    2. Prepare a warm bath for your dog.
    3. Let the dog soak so that all of his/her hair is completely wet.
    4. Apply the shampoo and lather the dog. …
    5. Scrub well where fleas are hiding.

    How do you make a natural flea shampoo?

    1. Homemade dog shampoo to combat fleas
    • 1 quart of water.
    • 1 cup of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar.
    • 1 cup of baby shampoo or nontoxic dish soap (many sites recommend Dawn by name)*