Do bull terriers attack people? Essential Tips

English Bull terrier temperament: High Intelligence

English Bull terriers (and Mini Bull Terriers) are one of the smartest breeds out there. Many bull terrier lovers believe it is THE smartest breed, which is, objectively, not that far from truth.

Do bull terriers attack people?

English Bull terriers are outstandingly inquisitive, learn fast, and are extremely intelligent. This also stems from their fighting past. Only the smartest dogs were able to be successful in the fighting ring. Intelligence and quick thinking in the fighting pit were traits that were highly encouraged and sought after, thus only the smartest of the dogs were allowed to breed. Nobody needed a slow-thinking bull terrier.

This is why these highly beneficial traits were passed on through generations and generations of English bull terriers, giving us the brilliant breed they are today.

Do Bull Terriers turn on their owners?

They become very attached to their owners. The Bull Terrier thrives on firm, consistent leadership and affection and makes a fine family pet. … Children should be taught how to display leadership toward the dog. Meek owners will find them to become very protective, willful, possessive and/or jealous.

Are Bull Terriers Aggressive?

The Bull Terrier is an American breed of terrier that originated from the English Bulldog in the United Kingdom. The name comes from its original use as a fighting animal for baiting bulls in bull-baiting matches that used to take place during agricultural fairs. This is why these dogs are considered aggressive as they were originally bred to fight with bulls. Some people might also consider them to be aggressive because of their size and appearance.

But Bull Terriers are not aggressive by nature and they aren’t raised to be aggressive. These dogs have a possessive, jealous, and attention-seeking mentality that, if not properly socialized and trained, can lead to violent behavior. But a Bull Terrier is an amiable dog breed in general.

The Bull Terrier, like many dog breeds, has the potential to become violent if proper socialization is not provided and not taught who is in control in the family. There are also two other reasons that can trigger aggression in Bull Terriers:

Aggressive Bull Terrier attacks people and dogs

Learn about the most dangerous breeds of dogs, which are comprised of pit bull terriers, the fighting breed derivatives and ancestors of pit bull terriers, rottweilers and wolf-dog hybrids.

Pictured are the two most deadly dog breeds in America: pit bull terriers and rottweilers. Research from shows that during the 15-year period from 2005 to 2019, canines killed 521 Americans. Pit bulls and rottweilers accounted for 76% (397) of these deaths.1 During the 20-year government study period of 1979 to 1998,2 238 dog bite-related fatalities with breed information was studied. The combination of pit bulls and rottweilers accounted for 50% (120) of these deaths.

It is important to point out that since 2005, pit bulls and their mixes have inflicted fatal dog attacks at over 7 times the rate as rottweilers. It is well documented by experts3 and humane groups4 that pit bulls pose a substantial danger due to their selective breeding for dogfighting. Unlike other dog breeds, pit bulls frequently fail to communicate intention prior to an attack (surprise attacks); possess a lethal bite style (hold and shake) and a ruinous, strategic manner of attack (gameness).