What is a papilloma of the skin?
Papillomas are benign, sometimes multiple, tumors caused by viruses. They are commonly known as warts. The tumors often disappear spontaneously because the animal slowly develops immunity to them. Some papillomas may need surgical removal if they become inflamed or infected or fail to regress over time.
Papillomas are uncommon in cats and common in dogs.
After invading the cells of the dog or cat (the host), papillomaviruses insert their genetic information into the host cells DNA and upset the normal processes of cell division, so the cell divides abnormally and more frequently. The virus activates growth-promoting genes in the DNA (called oncogenes) and simultaneously inactivates suppressor genes that would normally limit cell proliferation and alters the genes that regulate normal, programmed cell death.
There are many types of papillomaviruses, and they occur in all species of animals, including people. Each species has its own viruses and their related tumors. One of the best-known are warts on human feet (plantar wart).
What are the clinical signs of papillomas?
Papillomas may appear as multiple oral papillomas in young dogs, solitary cutaneous (skin) papillomas in dogs of any age, venereal (genital) papillomas, eyelid or conjunctival papillomas, and fibropapillomas (in tissues, such as muscle). Various viruses are associated with different sites and in young and old animals. The lesions are usually inflamed polyps (warts), but may be flat, have scaly plaques, or inward-growing hard masses. They may ulcerate (break open) and bleed. Papillomas that grow inward may cause pain, particularly if they are on the feet. In dogs, these tumors are most common on the feet or around and in the oral cavity.
In cats, papillomas are usually flat, plaque-like, and sometimes scaly. There may be one or more lesions, usually on the head, neck, or limbs. There is also a fibropapilloma, or sarcoid, in cats caused by a papillomavirus subtype. These are rare and appear as one or more nodular masses, usually on the head, neck, ventral abdomen, and limbs.
Treatment Options for Dogs with Papilloma Virus Infection
Many dogs diagnosed with CPV-1 do not require treatment as the papillomas can disappear on their own, usually within 1 to 5 months. This “self-limiting” characteristic of the virus is due to the fact that as the young dog’s immune system continues to mature it will develop antibodies to the virus, thereby causing the growths to regress and disappear altogether.
When a quicker fix is preferred, medical/surgical intervention would be the next best step. A minor “surgical” approach known as a “crushing technique” is a viable option. Anecdotal evidence has shown that if several of the papillomas are crushed using a surgical instrument called a hemostat this will stimulate the immune system and lead to the disappearance of the papillomas over the following several weeks. Whereas this technique is not a “quick fix,” it can trigger a faster response than no intervention at all. I have personally used the crushing technique on many of my patients with good results. Depending on the location of the growths, light to heavier sedation may be needed to properly perform the procedure. Whether or not this technique is an option for your dog depends on how many papillomas are present, their locations, and the recommendations of your vet after a thorough physical exam has been performed.
If the decision is made between you and your vet to proceed with surgical removal, this is a very good and quick treatment option. Surgical methods would include cryosurgery (freezing) or traditional surgery by excision using a scalpel. Surgical removal of every growth isn’t always necessary. Evidence has shown, for some patients, the removal of some of the papillomas can stimulate the immune system to the point where the remaining growths would regress and disappear over time.
Other less commonly used treatment options include a type of vaccination, formulated using the actual growths themselves. Papilloma vaccination can be used for dogs experiencing severe symptoms such as the inability to swallow or difficulty breathing. The vaccination is in more of a research phase and not readily available. There is currently no vaccination to prevent CPV-1.
A drug called Interferon can be used as a treatment option, however, the drug is costly, and the results are mixed and inconsistent. A topical medication called Imiquimod has been more commonly used in humans but has recently become available for use in dogs. Imiquimod boosts the immune system’s regulation of inflammation which, in turn, helps destroy the virus.
If you detect any growths on your dog, especially if located in or around the mouth area and you suspect CPV-1 but aren’t sure what to do next, follow the link below to schedule a webchat with one of our highly skilled nurses, who will then schedule a video consultation with one of our very experienced veterinarians. You can also download the FirstVet app from the Apple App or Google Play Stores.
Dog Wart Removal Step by Step Guide
The onset of the coronavirus pandemic has led to the majority of people becoming more knowledgeable about viruses, how they develop, how they function, and the extent of disease they can produce. Viruses have been thrust into the spotlight of our attention and have heightened our awareness of what’s going on around us. When we hear the word “virus,” this immediately conjures up s of bad diseases with negative outcomes. This, fortunately, is not the case for every virus. Some viruses only produce mild disease, which may resolve on its own. This article will address one such virus – the Canine Papilloma Virus. Continue reading to learn about the causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of this infection.
Papilloma virus can affect dogs, cats, and humans. It is a virus that produces fairly benign disease, with the primary symptom being the development of growths (papillomas) on the body. In humans, the growths produced by the papilloma virus are commonly referred to as “warts.” The most common type of papilloma virus in dogs is CPV-1. Although other strains exist, the majority of dogs who contract papilloma virus are affected by the CPV-1 strain. Cats are less affected by papilloma virus and it is often associated with cancer, however, those felines who do come into contact with the virus are commonly affected by the FcaPV2 strain. Since the papilloma virus is fairly uncommon in cats, this article will focus on its effects on dogs.