Do dog whistles work for deaf dogs? Tips and Tricks

What Frequency Does My Dog Whistle Need To Be For My Deaf Dog To Be Able To Hear.

A single frequency dog whistle produces just one frequency, as the name suggests. From 23 kilohertz to 54 kilohertz, these whistles are available (kHz).

When it comes to dogs with partial deafness (age-related or congenital), there are more than 30 frequencies to select from. Getting a BAER test from your vet will let them inform you precisely which frequencies to use or avoid.

Make sure to keep in mind that the results of various manufacturers and production methods might vary. Another brand could work for you if the first does not.

Why Did My Dog Loose His Hearing, Was It My Fault.

Some deaf dogs, as previously indicated, can detect dog whistles. The high-frequency sound waves of a dog whistle may be just what you need to teach your deaf dog. However, not all deaf canines benefit from this method. There are a few things you should know about it before deciding whether its the perfect tool for you.

What Are The  Advantages of the High-Tech Alternative for a deaf dog.

This is a liberating choice. It is possible to identify the specific frequencies that your dog can hear and employ each of those frequencies for a distinct training objective. The best part is that you can download a free app on your phone that gives you access to an entire universe of electronic dog whistles.

  • This Is A Low-Cost Alternative

  • Pro: but you can be certain that it is of good quality since it has at least 4.5 ratings on Amazon.

    Cons: Changing the frequency generally requires disassembly and hand tinkering with mechanical parts.. As a result, it is not an ideal solution for dealing with a wide range of issues.

  • The Advantages of the High-Tech Option Are Many. To teach your dog effectively, you can identify the frequencies that he can hear. The best part is that you can download an app on your phone to access the world of electronic dog whistles free!
  • Its expensive if you want a separate training gadget that doesnt need you to bring out your phone. Devices of good quality start at roughly $30 and do not have the same level of versatility as app-based options.

    S1 – E3: What you NEED to know about DEAF DOGS – How to Train a Hearing Impaired dog!

    One of the greatest challenges with a hearing-impaired dog is getting him to return to you when needed. The inability to hear the cue to come when called can have serious consequences for dogs who get out of reach of a pet owner, whether they escape or are on an off-leash hike. These dogs can charge full speed into danger, such as traffic, without being aware of a car speeding toward them. Hearing-impaired dogs can also easily get lost, as they can’t use sound to locate their missing pet parent.

    Since a dog with hearing impairment is at elevated risk for getting lost or getting into danger, he should always be kept on a leash or on a long line when out on walks or out of a fenced area. But you can teach your deaf pet to return to your side when he is contained in a safe area, such as within your fenced yard or home.

    A dog with hearing loss will not be able to respond to a traditional verbal come when called cue. But there are some simple, creative ways to rethink this command and make it work for your hearing-impaired pup.

    Sometimes the easiest way to get your hearing-impaired dogs attention is to chang the pitch of the call you use. Dogs with some reduction in their hearing may still hear certain pitches clearly. Experiment with different sounds to see if there is one your pet may still be able to perceive, such as a high-pitched dog whistle, and use that to call him to your side.

    A vibration-only collar can also work well for signaling a dog with hearing loss. Be sure that you choose a vibration-only collar, without a shock setting, designed for hearing- or vision-impaired dogs. You can also look into the use of lights, such as a flashlight or the flashing of your porch light, to get your pet’s attention at night. Laser lights can be used if they are shone in an area on the ground just in front of the dog’s line of vision; however, special precaution must be taken never to shine the light directly into the dog’s eyes.

    Whatever your chosen signal, it’s essential to teach your pet that it means to come to your side whenever he sees it. After all, a new signal means nothing on its own until it is associated with a certain behavior.

    Start by standing fully in your dog’s line of vision. Give the signal, such as the whistle or the collar vibration, and then use your body to call your dog, by stooping down or backing up. As you do this, toss treats in front of your feet. As soon as your pet comes to you and gets his treat, repeat the signal and the subsequent cue and toss more treats right by your feet. Repeat this process until your dog responds to the new signal and understands the new cue.

    In essence, you’re teaching your pet that it’s worthwhile to come and find you whenever he perceives the signal, because he will find treats, petting, toys or some other desirable reward when he finds you. As your dog gains speed in finding you whenever the signal goes off, make it more difficult by steadily getting farther out of his field of vision, which would simulate a real-life situation where your pet may not be able to see you when you call him.

    Keep in mind that your pet may have a longer delay in finding you without his hearing, as he mainly must rely on his sight and smell.

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