Do dogs get depressed when in season? Find Out Here

It ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it

All dogs should have some training so that they can have the freedom they need to be able to be let off the lead, where it is safe to do so, and so they are not a nuisance or danger to themselves or others. How you train your dog – and how you relate to them day-to-day – will have an impact on their mood.

Reward-based training methods and handling improve the bond between a dog and their owner. Heavy-handed methods that rely on punishment can however leave the dog feeling unable to succeed, resulting in a loss of confidence in their owner, and producing a state of learned helplessness. These dogs may appear quiet and well-behaved, but may actually be experiencing a very low mood state and chronic stress where it is far safer to do nothing.

Recognising the problem is the first step to solving it, then do a canine mental health assessment on your dog.

  • Has anything changed in your dog’s life, environment or social group?
  • Is your dog getting as much exercise and stimulation as usual? Is your dog getting the right sort of exercise and stimulation to give them an outlet for their hard-wired needs and the things they love?
  • Is your dog getting as much contact with you are usual?
  • Are you spending enough quality time with your dog? This may be exercise, games, training, dog sports or just hanging out together.
  • Is your dog bored? Can you relieve this with an additional walk, short training sessions throughout the day, occasional games, interactive toys etc?
  • Does your dog have any other behaviour issues – especially fears and phobias that may be more prevalent for any reason?
  • Once you have done this check, you should have a clear idea of what your dog needs from you to lift their mood and find ways to do this. If you are unable to make the changes (such as in the case of house moves etc) be aware that your dog is struggling and give them more TLC than usual and lots of fun things to do to distract them and support them through the changes.

    If your dog’s mood or behaviour has changed suddenly and you can find no reason why this may be happening, visit your vet to check for clinical causes.

    Once your dog has a clean bill of health, consult an accredited experienced behaviourist who can look at any behaviour changes or issues, and help you transform your dog’s mood, behaviour and life for the better.

    Content provided by PRO PLAN – The Kennel Club’s partner in dog nutrition.

    Signs of an unhappy dog Signs to watch out for include is your dog:

  • Withdrawn – the dog may have little enthusiasm for exercise or games or joining in with the things they normally enjoy
  • Lethargic – they may be sleeping more than usual
  • Loss of appetite – they may lose interest in food or there may be other changes to eating patterns
  • Inability to settle – the dog may appear restless, not sleeping well or deeply, or other changes to sleeping patterns
  • Behaviour changes – the same mood states that can present as apparent depression can present as other issues depending on the dog’s personality. These can include chewing, attempts at escapology, increased reactivity, loss of toilet training, and even aggression.
  • A dog’s bond with its family is very strong and changes to their social dynamic can strongly affect them, such as divorce, bereavement (human, canine and sometimes even feline), children leaving home, or even a change in working patterns. Dogs don’t understand where their friends or loved ones have gone and of course we can’t explain it to them so that they understand.

    It’s not just grief that can affect a dog’s mood however. If you are suddenly less available to your dog, such as returning to work after a break, or starting a new job – it can hit them hard. They rely on you totally for company, security and love, and can feel your increased absence keenly.

    At this time of year there can be several causes of a dog’s apparent sadness, including something similar to – Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). However, something far more likely to cause behavioural problems are changes to a dog’s routine.

    Our dogs have certain hard-wired needs that we need to fulfill to keep them healthy and happy. A major one of these is exercise and physical and mental stimulation. Not only that but they need the right kind of exercise, and this can often be breed or type dependant.

    Through the winter – especially the long, wet winters we have been seeing in recent years – it can be hard to give dogs the exercise they need. Dark mornings and evenings, and muddy, wet walks, can make taking the dog out seem like a chore. As a result, many dogs are getting less exercise or fewer walks than usual, and aren’t getting to do the things they truly love.

    In other cases, owners don’t realise just how much exercise their dog needs, or what types of things will keep them happy. All dogs are different and so finding out what fulfils a dog’s hard-wired needs can be the key to a contented dog. It’s similar to someone who loves nothing more than doing yoga being forced to only do marathon running! Yes, you’d be getting the exercise you need, but you wouldn’t be enjoying it, and would probably be feeling pretty fed up about it!

    A lack of being able to do the things they have been selectively bred to do, or just the things that they love, can result in a whole host of behaviour problems, some of which will present a lot like depression.

    Do Cats and Dogs Suffer From SAD as Humans Do?

    According to Steve Dale, a certified animal behavior consultant, “The definitive answer is . . . maybe. Nobody knows for sure.”

    Dale says we share much of the same brain chemistry with dogs, including the hormones melatonin and serotonin. When daylight decreases, the brain produces more melatonin and less serotonin. Both of these changes can have an adverse effect on mood. So it’s conceivable that pets can get SAD, but there could also be other explanations. The problem, he says, is that there’s no sure way to objectively measure or diagnose SAD in pets.

    Little research has been done on SAD or mood disorders in pets. One survey by the People’s Dispensary of Sick Animals (PDSA) in the United Kingdom showed that owners do think that their pets get depressed during darker months. But the study was subjective, relying more on human perception instead of scientific method.

    Do Dogs Get Depressed? | DEPRESSED DOG!?

    Some people who feel significantly down during certain seasons may be experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression.

    But ever notice your normally bright-eyed, bushy-tailed dog appear to down or display some other sign of low mood at certain times of the year? Could mans best friend be suffering from SAD too?

    Newsweek asked the experts if dogs can get SAD and whether seasonal changes can affect your pets mood.