Do more dog trick dog titles? The Ultimate Guide

Clubs Offering:

Do more dog trick dog titles?


AKC Trick Dog titles are official AKC titles listed on the dog’s title record.

The processing fee for each title is $25. Multiple titles for the same dog can be sent in together, each one will be processed in succession after each previous title has been added and printed.

Dogs must have an AKC, PAL, or AKC Canine Partners number to earn a title.

All dogs can get a number including purebreds and mixed breeds.

We offer a variety of dog titles for you & your dog to work toward

Therapy Dog | Trick Dog | Rally Free | International Dog Parkour

AKC Therapy Dog titles can be earned by dogs who have been certified by AKC recognized therapy dog organizations and have performed the required number of visits.

Do more dog trick dog titles?

AKC Therapy Dog TITLES

  • AKC Therapy Dog Novice (THDN) completed 10 visits.
  • AKC Therapy Dog (THD) completed 50 visits.
  • AKC Therapy Dog Advanced (THDA) completed 100 visits.
  • AKC Therapy Dog Excellent (THDX) completed 200 visits.
  • AKC Therapy Dog Distinguished (THDD) completed 400 visits.
  • The CGC program offers many practical advantages too. The CGC award is a prerequisite for many therapy dog groups. Some homeowner’s insurance companies encourage CGC testing, and an increasing number of apartments and condos require that resident dogs pass the CGC test. Read more about the AKC Therapy Dog program’s purpose here.

    CGC Titles

  • AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) tagline is, “Responsible Owners, Well-Mannered Dogs,” and that is what CGC is all about.
  • AKC Community Canine (CGCA) is all about having a well-behaved dog in the community. The 10-step AKC Community Canine test is conducted in real life situations, which can include walking through a crowd on a busy sidewalk or in a local park.
  • AKC Urban Canine Good Citizen (CGCU) requires that the dog demonstrate CGC skills and beyond in an urban setting.
  • AKC Novice Trick Dog (TKN)
  • AKC Intermediate Trick Dog (TKI)
  • AKC Advanced Trick Dog (TKA)
  • AKC Trick Dog Performer (TKP)
  • AKC Trick Dog Elite Performer (TKE)
  • How to get your first Trick Dog title