Do pregnant dogs throw up before giving birth? A Complete Guide

She will lick her genital area

At any time from the first stages of labour through to the moments before birth, youll notice your dog excessively licking her back end. This is a natural behaviour that keeps the area clean from discharge, as well as calm any pain or inflammation in the area.

You’ll see movement in her belly

One of the most telling signs of labour in dogs are the uterine contractions that occur, in order to allow the puppies to exit. Even if your dog is tolerating the pain well and isn’t whining, keep a close eye on her belly. You’ll be able to see rhythmic movements occur periodically.

Let’s face it, who wouldn’t become a little touchy during labour? Prepare to watch your dog appear restless and agitated. She might even become slightly aggressive towards people she’s not familiar with, so it’s best to have no visitors during this time.

During the first stage of labour, before the puppies come out, her genitals will swell due to the increased pressure and blood flow in that region.

She’ll hide away somewhere quiet

Some dogs may naturally try to hide away quietly before and during labour. You should have already arranged a whelping area in a quiet area for her to complete the birth. You might find that dimmed lights help keep her calm too.

Not all dogs are like this though – some might actually become clingy and crave your affection. Both situations are completely normal.

It’s common for pregnant dogs to be sick just before or during labour. If your pooch is sick a couple of times, there’s no need to stress. Just clear it up and comfort her when she asks for attention.

But pregnant dogs who vomit excessively throughout labour may need medical help, so contact a vet if they seem to be constantly vomiting.

As your dog starts the labour process and the contractions start, she might begin to whine and appear uncomfortable. She is also likely to pant and pace around. Don’t worry too much about this – although it’s unsettling, it’s normal. After all, birth is as painful for them as it is for humans. This first stage of labour will last between 6 to 12 hours, possibly a little longer, until the cervix has completely dilated. At this point too, some dogs will crave the attention of their owners, while others will prefer to be left in peace. Follow her lead and give her what she wants.

Do dogs vomit when pregnant?