Do puppies know their siblings? A Step-by-Step Guide

Do dogs remember their mothers years later?

As with their littermates, a dog is more likely to remember their mother if they lived with them for longer. A pup that was separated from his or her mother at an early age, may forget their scent but, if they spent at least 12 weeks together, recognition is probable (the mother’s maternal instincts will have made an impression on your pooch). Interestingly though, it’s less likely that a Mama dog will recognise her pups after a few years.

Should You Feel Bad about Separating Dogs from Their Siblings

No–if you do it right. It’s important that young puppies stay with their family for the first eight weeks. Not only do they need their mum’s milk (as with humans it has a lot of nutritional benefits), they also learn social and behavioural skills from their siblings. Removing them too soon can lead to issues later, such as difficulty putting on weight, increased disease susceptibility, and separation anxiety.

New puppies will always have an adjustment period when they’re first taken home where they may cry and whine. Assuming they weren’t separated too early, that’s fine and pretty normal. After all, everyone feels a bit distressed during a big life change. But with lots of love, attention, and care they’ll soon settle into their new home and start to think of you as their family.

Can You Find Dog Siblings and Reunite Them (and Should You)?

Tracking down dog siblings is a tricky process. Unlike human adoption, there is no legislation or formal frameworks to assist it. Rather, it comes down to whether the breeder or rescue centre you adopted them from wants to facilitate an introduction between you and other pet parents. As to whether it’s good for them, as mentioned, to the dog it’s just like meeting any animal from their past who they (probably) had a good experience with. It’s rewarding in the way that any positive social interactions are, but not hitting them like an episode of This Is Your Life.

Do dogs recognize their siblings, and other questions about canine emotional intelligence

Accredited dog trainer Joe Nutkins has teamed up with Canine Cottages to share if dogs remember their littermates and if parents can recognise their grown-up puppies too

While its unlikely well stumble into a long lost sibling in the street, theres a huge possibility that dogs will come face-to-face with their littermates in the park.

One third of dog owners in the UK got their puppy from a breeder last year, meaning hundreds of siblings could potentially be living nearby.

We know how clever canines are, but can they really recognise a relative later in life? Does their shared DNA mean theyve got an everlasting memory?

Canine Cottages has teamed up with accredited dog trainer, Joe Nutkins, to find out once and for all if its possible.

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