Do puppies losing teeth hurt? Here’s the Answer

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But rest assured this time will not go on forever. “At about 6 months of age, a puppy should have about 42 adult teeth, which is 10 more than humans get,” said Sieranski. Usually, the painful part of teething is over at about 4-5 months, but if you aren’t careful to manage the behavior of chewing, it can last for another couple of years. So be watchful and take care of that puppy!

  • Whining and crying
  • Slower eating
  • Drool
  • Increased chewing
  • Irritability
  • Swollen or bleeding gums
  • If you have ever been around a teething baby, you know the process is painful. Although puppies may whine and cry like a baby, many times the signs are not as obvious. “Because of the discomfort in their gums and mouths, they may eat slower, drool, and try to chew on anything, including you,” said Dr. Sieranski. Ouch!

    Common Sign and Symptoms of Puppy Teething

    While every pup is different, there are several common signs that your puppy might be at the phase in which he or she will be growing adult teeth soon. Below is a helpful list to be aware of:

  • Finding spots of blood on their toys
  • Literally finding tiny puppy teeth around the house
  • More than usual desire to chew everything
  • Increased drooling
  • Changing in pace of eating (slowing down)
  • Red and swollen gums
  • Sometimes running a low-grade fever
  • Whining
  • Soft stools
  • Upset stomach
  • What can I give my puppy for teething pain?

    To help your pet during the teething process, offer them gentle chew toys. Dog toys like the KONG offer your puppy the chance to gnaw away without damaging your shoes or your furniture. (Though, let’s face it, your shoes, your couch, and your table legs might suffer during your puppy’s enthusiastic chewing period.)

    Which chew toys are best for teething? As mentioned, KONGs are a classic choice for a reason. Fill them with peanut butter for an enticing treat. You can even freeze a stuffed KONG to add to the challenge and increase its gum-soothing effect. KONG now makes a puppy teething stick to alleviate discomfort, as well.

    Safe chew toys won’t chip or splinter while your dog noms on them. That’s why rubber toys are a good fit. Nylabones for puppies are a popular choice, and they’re usually available at your local grocery store. You’ll find many ingenious chew toy options online and from specialty pet stores, as well.

    Rope toys can be effective, but make sure your dog isn’t shredding them and swallowing bits of rope.

    In addition to dog toys, chews like bully sticks can provide relief. Other popular options are naturally shed antlers, which are safer than bones. Never give your puppy any bones that might splinter, as this can lead to choking.

    As with many puppy activities, chew time shouldn’t be solo time for your new pet. You don’t have to stare at them the whole time – hey, they’re cute! – but do keep an eye out. Puppies can sometimes hurt themselves with overenthusiastic chewing.

    Do puppies losing teeth hurt?

    Pet Pro Tip: New kitten owners often underestimate the long-term costs of veterinary care for a pet’s unexpected accidents & illnesses. Make sure you get your kitten insured as soon as possible!


    Is your puppy teething? Are they whining and biting everything? Teething is a difficult time. Here are the signs and solutions for puppy teething.

    There are few joys greater than bringing a new puppy into the house. But as exciting as a new pet can be, a puppy is a lot like a new baby and will go through the same types of growing pains. One such growing pain is puppy teething, and while they will be uncomfortable, we can help them a great deal if we know the signs to look out for.

    Puppy’s first teeth begin to come in around 2-4 weeks. However, just like with human children, it can vary a little. “At around 5-6 weeks a puppy will usually have 28 baby teeth and this is where a nursing mom starts to think twice about allowing those sharp needles near her sensitive belly,” says Dr. Ken Sieranski, Director of Veterinary Medicine at Hearts Alive Village in Las Vegas. This is when weaning begins.