Does pet insurance cover if your dog bites another dog? Here’s the Answer

Fighting between dogs, what should you do?

If, despite taking precautions, you are unfortunate enough to find yourself in a situation where your dog is being attacked, it can be extremely distressing. No matter how upset you are, do stay calm and do not try to intervene or attempt to separate the fighting individuals.

Fighting dogs are often in a state where they will bite at anything or anyone who gets in the way. If you get involved in the general melee you may sustain a serious bite injury yourself. Even your own dog could bite you severely in this type of scenario.

When things have calmed down, take time to assess your dog for injuries.

Dog bite injuries range from minor scrapes to life-threatening wounds. Even if your dog seems to be relatively unscathed it is worth contacting your vet and asking them to check your pet for you.

Bite wounds can often look fairly minor, with just a few puncture wounds being visible on the skin. However, a dog’s jaws are incredibly powerful and the shearing forces on the underlying tissues can be quite large. Your vet will be able to check your dog and ensure that any underlying tissue damage or more serious injuries do not go undetected.

If your pet’s skin has been punctured or wounded there is always the chance of an infection setting in later. A dog’s mouth carries a large bacterial load, so veterinary advice and care is always to be recommended after a dog attack.

Ask for their name and contact details. If they have pet insurance for their dog request details of this too. If there is any difficulty in obtaining contact details, you may wish to consider reporting the incident to the police or the local dog warden. Remember, if a dog is “dangerously out of control” this may make it a police matter anyway.

If there are any witnesses not directly involved in the incident, it is worth asking for their contact details too. If they are willing to give a statement about the attack this may help you to recover any veterinary costs if your dog was not at fault. All evidence could be valuable if you need to make any kind of claim for costs later on.

If you have your phone or a camera with you, do consider taking photographs of both animals and any injuries they have sustained as evidence of the incident. Once you have taken all the details and evidence you can obtain, take your pet to your vet to be checked and treated as necessary.

Following a dog attack both owners are often upset. Sometimes the owner of the dog at fault may offer to pay for the veterinary costs in respect of injuries inflicted upon your pet. In this situation, the two parties are often able to reach an amicable agreement. You should take care to request itemised invoices from your vet once treatment has been given so that the other owner has clear evidence of the amount to be paid. If the other party has pet insurance and their policy provides third party liability cover their insurance company may be able to pay for any vet’s fees arising from the incident, provided their dog was the one at fault.

Technical liability for a dog attack

If a fight between two dogs occurs, the person who usually becomes liable for the vet’s fees is the owner of the dog which is deemed to be at fault. So it is worth ensuring that your own dog is always under control when you are out and about.

Ideally, your pet should be well socialised and obedient to recall commands from you. If you know your pet does not like other dogs it would be wise to walk them in places or at times when they are less likely to meet other canines. Not only will these measures help you to avoid any liability, but they will also help to prevent an attack from occurring in the first place.

Sometimes there is a limit to what we can control. If your dog has shown signs of aggression, use a leash in areas where you’re likely to encounter dogs. But like many car collisions, proof of liability can be difficult, unless there is clear evidence or one party is willing to accept blame. Equally, just as you insure your car, getting good cover for your pet can ensure you’re able to cover the bill – whatever the situation.

What to Do If My DOG BITES Another DOG? ⚡

Viewing your four-legged family member as a potential liability is difficult but sometimes, even the most harmless and best-behaved pets can make mistakes. That’s why dog liability insurance is a must for any responsible pet owner.

Viewing your four-legged family member as a potential liability is difficult but sometimes, even the most harmless and best-behaved pets can make mistakes. That’s why dog liability insurance is a must for any responsible pet owner.

If you are held financially responsible for someone elses injuries or property damage caused by your pet, then liability coverage can help pay for the cost — which could quickly add up to tens of thousands of dollars.

In this post, we’re looking at the intersection of pet insurance and liability insurance, including how each policy works and why you need these types of dog insurance.