Does Allie Die In Wentworth

Allie continues to serve her sentence at Wentworth Allie has years added on due to obstructing justice and shooting dead Sean Brody and becomes Top Dog, but makes an enemy in Lou Kelly and is used by Judy Bryant to stay her sentence in Wentworth. Allie survives the prison explosion.

Can Joan Contain Her Freaky Thoughts?To the outside world, she’s maintaining she’s Kath Maxwell. But inside she knows she’s Joan “The Freak” Ferguson. And with memories back, Joan is fighting all kinds of urges. The question is will she act on them? This week, Joan’s staring at Governor Will Jackson (Robbie Magasiva) in the yard when her memory flashes to being buried in a coffin. We won’t spoil what happens next, but it is shocking, even for hardened Wentworth fans. Prison psychiatrist Greg Miller (David de Latour) is still under the impression Joan has amnesia. And when he asks her to share any details about her previous revelation, that she watched her father kill her mother as a child, Joan’s not interested. “You keep pushing,” she says. But is the doctor pushing her too far? Is The Freak about to blow a fuse?

Does Allie Die In Wentworth

“So much of how we function on a day-to-day basis we take for granted, because you use the power in your legs, the muscles in your legs and your lower back all day,” she explains. “I noticed immediately that I was getting calluses on my hands and my upper body was getting stronger, but sorer. You do feel very restricted when you’re in that chair, and I noticed too, that on set, people would treat me differently, even though they knew I was completely able to walk on my own.

As for what the rest of the season holds for our wounded heroine, Jenkinson previews that this is just the start of an uphill battle for the usually stoic inmate, who has already dealt with more than her fair share of trauma. “As if being in the position that Allie had been in, you know, Top Dog, then attacked, persecuted, targeted, having her family die around her [isnt enough]. I mean, on top of that, to have such a traumatic and violent accident. It’s a really interesting season for Allie; she goes through it!”

“I knew that it wasn’t going to be a fatal stabbing,” she tells Foxtel Insider. “And it was obviously very thrilling for me to not only survive a near Wentworth death, but also to see that Allie was going to be coming back into the prison a much, much changed woman… in a wheelchair.”

“They gave me the audition scenes to read beforehand… and I was just sort of casting my eyes over it and I thought, ‘Oh, so Judy’s in a wheelchair. Interesting,’” she recalls. “I got into the audition and we started running these scenes and all these actresses were walking around and I’m like, ‘This is interesting, none of them know that she’s in a wheelchair.’ I looked [closer] at the script, and I’m like, ‘Oh s***, Im in a wheelchair!’”

In Plain Sight:No-one in Cell Block H would have suspected Judy Bryant was the one who shivved Allie in the showers in last year’s tense finale.But this dangerous would-be killer is feeling more than a little nervous when Allie reappears this week.Judy’s attack on Allie was definitely bold. The activist and hacker stole Lou’s mobile and money – which she used to commit an act of terrorism. But silencing Allie, because she knew about the money and phone, was also fraught with danger.

Does Allie Die In Wentworth


What episode does Allie die in Wentworth?

She was brutally stabbed and left for dead at the end of last season, so to say that fans were relieved to see Allie Novak back in her teal tracksuit in the opening episode of Wentworth’s final instalment is an understatement.

Does Allie die Wentworth Season 8?

Judy and Allie are slotted when Linda finds them. Judy later tries to attack Allie in the showers again but is caught out by Boomer, Ruby and Rita. It’s then revealed to the entire prison Judy was the person who stabbed Allie and a target is put on her back.

Does Judy get caught for stabbing Allie?

While hacktivist Judy Bryant (Vivienne Awosoga) was found dead in the rubble, having been impaled through the chest by falling debris, general manager Ann Reynolds’ (Jane Hall) death was far more befitting of the villain she turned out to be.

Who dies Season 9 Wentworth?

While hacktivist Judy Bryant (Vivienne Awosoga) was found dead in the rubble, having been impaled through the chest by falling debris, general manager Ann Reynolds’ (Jane Hall) death was far more befitting of the villain she turned out to be.