Does it hurt puppies to lose teeth? Expert Advice

What food and treats can I give my puppy for teething?

You can keep feeding your pup their regular diet. Feeding them treats or special healthy foods is also acceptable during teething.

One difference? You might consider adding soft dog food to your pup’s kibble if you’re not already feeding them any wet food. This will help their kibble go easy on your new puppy’s mouth.

Keep an eye on your new dog. If they yip with pain while eating – or avoid their food – that’s a sign that a change is in order. Always consult with your vet about any dietary changes, of course.

Frozen treats can be a tasty teething snack. Many pet parents swear by ice cubes. Many dogs enjoy chomping away on ice cubes, especially if they’re cubes of frozen chicken broth. Again, as with chews, supervise your pup while they’re enjoying their icy treat.

Dogs develop two sets of teeth in their lifetime. The first set is the milk or deciduous set which act as placeholders or guides for the permanent teeth. The second set is the permanent teeth which may take up to 2 years to set in the jaw. Therefore teething behaviours are normal up to 2 years of age.

Teething is almost certainly uncomfortable for your puppy. Puppies have increased salivation, loss of appetite and irritability when their teeth erupt. The gums swell and are tender to palpation just prior to tooth eruption. These observations parallel those reported in children. Children will chew their fingers and can drool excessively. Other observations are lip and object biting, irritability, restlessness and night crying. Other signs commonly attributed to teething such as diarrhoea, cough, ear rubbing, rashes, fever and convulsions, have not been found to have any relationship to teething. These signs are much more likely to have another cause.

Puppy Teeth Come in At 6 to 8 Weeks Old

Your puppys first baby teeth, also called deciduous teeth, come in between six and eight weeks of age.

Since this happens before you bring him home, you wont have to deal with this. However, those baby teeth only last a few months before his adult teeth break through the gums. This can cause as many problems for your puppy as it does for human children when theyre teething. Its a tough time for both the puppy and her owners.