Does Turkey cause diarrhea in dogs? Here’s What to Do Next

How to Incorporate Turkey into Your Dog’s Diet

Does Turkey cause diarrhea in dogs?

Dark Meat From Turkey is Healthy for Your Dog

The good part about the dark meat from turkey is the type of fat: dark meat contains predominantly the heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated kinds. Dark meat also boasts a high mineral content and is more plentiful in iron, zinc, and selenium. So if your dog tolerates fat well, dark meat turkey is also an excellent option.

It is important to note that turkey skin contains extra fat and oils that can cause digestive upset. If your dog is prone to pancreatitis or diabetes, it’s wise to stick to boneless, skinless turkey breast.

Should you feed Fido turkey? With the right precautions in place, Fido can enjoy a little turkey as part of your holiday celebrations. Make certain that you avoid fattier items such as the skin, gravies, and concentrate on limited quantities of meat for Fidos snack. A little bit of caution can prevent unnecessary and expensive veterinary bills. For an extra special treat, give Fido a raw, meaty turkey leg to enjoy while you and your family share the cooked equivalent at your holiday meal.

Unlike other foods which can be poisonous to our furry canine friends, turkey is non-toxic. However, there are other concerns about turkeys effects on our dogs systems that make it an unwise food choice for dog consumption. When we cook a turkey in our homes, we take care to prepare it with additional spices, rubs, oils, and even butter to help enhance its natural flavor. Most people also like to incorporate onions and garlic into dressings or to surround the turkey itself to contribute to the turkey juices which will form the basis for the gravy. This is where we run into trouble when it comes to turkey and dogs. While turkey on its own is non-toxic to our dogs, onions and garlic can have very serious deleterious health effects on the canine system. More than this, added oils and butters increase the overall fat level of the prepared bird. Foods that are too rich in fats can lead to pancreatitis in our dogs. Pancreatitis can be acute or severe but nearly always requires veterinary assistance to treat. Gastrointestinal distress is also a side effect of turkey consumption for our dogs. It is not uncommon for dogs who ingest turkey to suffer with diarrhea, cramps, and vomiting. Dehydration from excessive vomiting is also a concern.

Some dogs may also be allergic to turkey. Many proteins can cause allergic reactions in our dogs; particularly ones that are poultry-based. If your dog begins to experience itching or troubling looking skin conditions, turkey might be the culprit. Food-based allergies are much simpler to treat than environmental ones. If you can pinpoint your dogs health symptoms to the consumption of this one food, you know that this is a food your dogs system will not tolerate and that you cannot feed again. It is interesting to note that some commercial dog food products do include turkey in their formulations. From this we can safely conclude that when prepared properly and combined with the required nutrients and supplementation, turkey can be a healthy part of our dogs diet.

So, if you avoid the fats, garlic, and onions and prepare a turkey breast for your dogs nutrition alone, can you safely feed your dog turkey? Its a good question, and the answer is yes. However, there are strict guidelines that you must follow in order to eliminate the risk of illness or injury from your dog enjoying some turkey. One of the most critical rules to observe if you elect to feed turkey to your dog is to avoid the skin. Skin is comprised mainly of fat and is also usually generously doused in oils or butter to help crisp up the delicious outer covering. Because of this, it is the leading culprit in pancreatitis attacks and must be avoided. To ensure optimal health and safety, you are best to restrict any turkey offerings to meat only. Cooked turkey bones can easily splinter and become lodged in your dogs throat. But tiny shards of bone can also work their way between teeth and into the gums or tongue necessitating a trip to the vet for costly dental surgery. However, though canine dentistry can alleviate the problem, the condition is extremely painful for your dog and is simply best avoided altogether.

The holidays are here, and your mouth is salivating just at the thought of all of the delicious food that will soon grace your table. All of your favorites are slated to make an appearance including sweet potato casserole, green beans, and mashed potatoes with Grandmas award-winning gravy. Yum! You can hardly wait. But you cant forget the piece de resistance, the turkey! Turkey tops the list of holiday favorites in most homes. Its delectable on Day One of your Thanksgiving feast and still appetizing on Day Three of leftovers. But by Day Four, your enthusiasm for turkey is starting to wane, and youre wondering if maybe Fido might like a little turkey and gravy mixed in with his kibble for an extra treat. After all, it IS the holidays. Shouldnt Fido get to indulge a little bit too? Unfortunately, turkey makes the list of no-no foods for dogs. What is it about turkey that makes it something our dogs should avoid? Its nutritious and safe for human consumption. Why not for our dogs? Many human foods make healthy, delicious snacks for our dogs when given in moderation. However, there are some that should remain firmly as people food only.

My dog had diarrhea THIS Fixed it FAST!

With the holidays fast approaching, more and more pet owners once again find themselves asking the same question that comes around every year: can dogs eat turkey? If you’re thinking of feeding your dog turkey but you’re wondering if it’s safe to do so, you’re in the right place!

In the article below, we’ll explore some of the most important information you need to know about feeding your dog turkey. You can use this information to figure out when it might be appropriate to give your canine friend a little bit of turkey during the holidays. Read on to find out more.