Does vinegar stop a dog from barking? What to Know

Using Your Usual Spray Bottle

There are actually two different ways you can spray the vinegar mixture to your barking dog. I recommend that you use a spray bottle for its availability.

Place a correct amount of the mixture into the spray bottle and when they begin barking, say “QUIET” and spray it on their face or mouth. Spray once, repeating it only if he barks again.

How to Spray Dog With Vinegar to Stop Barking

Now that you’re more familiar with how vinegar works to help with the barking, how can you use it properly? Here are different methods on how to spray the dog with vinegar to stop barking:

Kimberly Caines is a well traveled model, writer and licensed physical fitness trainer who was first published in 1997. Her work has appeared in the Dutch newspaper “De Overschiese Krant” and on various websites. Caines holds a degree in journalism from Mercurius College in Holland and is writing her first novel.

Use a citronella collar if your dog barks when youre not around to correct him. When your pet companion barks, the collar activates and mists him with citronella. Your dog dislikes the smell and will eventually refrain from barking to avoid the unpleasant occurrence. You might not want to use this tool if you have multiple dogs, because even if a dog is not barking, his collar might activate if one of the other dogs bark.

Schedule daily exercise sessions to bond with your dog and to keep boredom at bay. Spend quality time with him and provide mental and physical stimulation. Your furry friend will be happy and will probably be too tired to resort to barking — he might take a nap instead. Give him food-stuffed dog toys and practice daily obedience training. Bring him along when you go jogging and take walks with him. Play games, such as fetch and tug-of-war, so your dog can burn energy.

Change your dogs environment to stop his barking. If he barks at people passing by when hes in the yard, bring him inside. If he barks at something he sees from a window, close the curtains or put him in a different room.

If you think Fidos excessive barking is a nuisance, just imagine how your neighbors feel. Stopping your dogs barking can be challenging, because you dont want to stop appropriate barking — if theres a trespasser, Fidos barking might just make him think twice about breaking in. Always investigate whats triggering Fidos noisy behavior — maybe hes bored or lonely, or maybe hes being teased by an outdoor cat. When his barking is inappropriate, correct his behavior. With consistency, praise and plenty of dog treats, you can control your noisy friend in no time.

How to Stop Dog Barking! (Cesar911 Shorts)