Dog Ate Fish Bones

With all the talk of how fantastic powerful omega oils are for our health and the health of our dogs, it is easy to see the attraction of feeding them to our dogs.

And why not scavenge the bones? No one is looking and they won’t be missed will they?

But in this article I want to look what you should do if your dog eats fish bones and whether there is a safe way to prepare them for your dog..

What Are Fish Bones Like For Dogs?

Fish bones are made of cartilage and more rigid bone material. The strength of the bones depends on the type of fish, as some are considered cartilaginous while others are bony. They are made of a high percentage of calcium, and the exact composition depends on the fish type. Like ribs on a steak or bones in a chicken, fish bones are often removed from the dish before prepared for dinner.

However, the bones may also be served with the meal as a whole, and the eater is responsible for biting around the bones. When it comes to sharing fish with your dog, fish bones should be removed before serving. However, whether it’s an overlooked bone or your dog snuck in before you could stop them, it’s not uncommon for your dog to take a crack at a fish bone.

What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate Fish Bones?

In the case your dog ate fish bones, you can do some considerations: how big is your dog, and how big were the fish bones he ate?

If a big dog eats very small fish bones, he might be able to pass them without problems.

A small dog eating big or long pieces of bones might be risking his life.

The only thing you can do is wait and see if he start feeling any kind of discomfort.

If that’s the case, don’t wait for the symptoms to get worse and call your veterinarian to see what needs to be done.

What You Shouldn’t Do When Your Dog Eats Fish Bones?

The first thing you must avoid is inducing vomiting.

Fish bones are dangerous because they might scratch the insides of the digestive system, but if they went down just fine and your dog tries to cough them up again, you put them at risk of hurting themselves.

Prevention is actually the best thing you can do in this kind of situation because once your dog swallowed a dangerous item, there is always a fair chance something can go really wrong and you may be powerless.

You should keep sharp things and especially bones away from your dog, as dogs are naturally drawn to bones because of the smell of food that lingers on them.


What happens if a dog eats fish bones?

Can dogs eat fish bones? Fish bones are small, brittle, and dangerous. They can lodge themselves in your dog’s mouth, throat, stomach, and intestines, sometimes even perforating the organ wall. Not only is this painful, it can also result in an expensive visit to the veterinarian.

Do fish bones dissolve in stomach?

The reasons are as follows: first, gastric acid (equivalent to 0.2%–0.4% hydrochloric acid) is secreted in the stomach, which is able to soften and dissolve fish bones, which are a type of bones mainly comprising calcium. The fish bones can then not damage the digestive tract.

How long does it take for dogs to digest fish bones?

Dogs can usually digest bones in about eight to twelve hours. But depending on whether the bone is cooked and how big the bone is, it might take longer. In some cases, eating bones can be dangerous because they can cause choking or intestinal damage.