Dog Ate Kinetic Sand

If your dog ate kinetic sand, you should first make sure that the amount is limited to no more than a teaspoon and only if your pet has not vomited.

If there has been vomiting, this is a tell-tale sign that the obstruction may be too large for your pet to pass and it is recommended you get emergency medical attention as soon as possible.

Keep reading to learn more about what to do if your dog ate kinetic sand. Table Of Contents

Why Kinetic Sand is Not Safe for Dogs

Kinetic sand is not safe for dogs just as it’s not safe for small children. There is a reason why small children should not handle kinetic sand unless they are being supervised by an adult. Kinetic sand itself is made from both silicone and sand, although it’s non-toxic. Even though it’s non-toxic, there are still dangers that exist if large amounts of kinetic sand are ingested.

The biggest issue with kinetic sand is that it could end up just sitting in the guts or the bowels. Kinetic sand will just mold and turn into shapes inside the stomach just like it does when you touch it. There have been instances in the past of dogs eating large quantities of kinetic sand and these dogs had to have major surgery to remove the sand from their stomach.

What is Kinetic Sand?

Kinetic sand is simply regular sand that’s been coated in silicone oil. This is an oil that’s often used to provide lubrication; however, when it’s applied to sand, the sand will be moldable, like when it’s wet with water. The oil keeps the sand from drying out, making this a fun toy for kids!

However, if a dog gets a hold of kinetic sand, it can lead to a serious medical complication.

How is kinetic sand different from normal sand?

Kinetic sand is regular sand however, it has been coated with a silicone substance to make it feel wet. Much like regular wet beach sand. Kinetic sand is much softer than regular sand as you can imagine, it has a silicone coating that is soft and smooth. In fact, you can make your own kinetic sand from regular sand at home, but we will get into that later on in this article.

So, kinetic sand is regular sand but it’s just been modified by adding a silicone substance coating around it. This would protect the sand and make it more durable when a child plays with it.


What happens if my dog eats kinetic sand?

Kinetic sand is non toxic. A small amount should pass uneventfully as you’ve seen. A larger amount ingested at once can pose a risk of gastric or intestinal obstruction. Monitor for lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite or abdominal pain.

Will my dog be OK after eats sand?

Kinetic sand is a fun, moldable sensory toy. It is made of ultra-fine grain sand combined with dimethicone (polydimethylsiloxane). While kinetic sand won’t poison a person if they eat it, it does pose a choking hazard, and if large amounts are eaten it can cause constipation.