Dog Get Stuck In Woman

Dogs are some of the most beloved creatures on the planet. They provide us with companionship, loyalty, and unconditional love. However, sometimes our furry friends can get stuck.

As it turns out, there is a science behind why dogs get stuck and it has to do with their unique anatomy and physiology.

Check out this blog post to learn more about why do dogs get stuck and what you can do to help your pooch if he or she gets stuck in a tie.Table Of Contents

What Is The Purpose Of The Copulatory Tie?

The purpose of the copulatory tie is to keep the male and female joined together during and after ejaculation. This traps the semen inside of the female and increases the chances that the male’s sperm will successfully fertilize the female’s eggs. On average, female dogs only go into heat every 6 months, so this strategy helps maximize the chances that conception will occur and the female will produce a litter of puppies.

Does a Copulatory Tie Mean My Dog Is Pregnant?

As with people and other animals, when two dogs mate, it does not always result in pregnancy. Separating dogs that are stuck together during mating will not prevent pregnancy. Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary for a copulatory tie to occur for a dog to become pregnant, although the tie does increase the chances of conception. The best way to prevent pregnancy in a female dog is to sterilize her. During this procedure, the female dog’s uterus and ovaries are surgically removed to prevent future pregnancies. This procedure is known as a spay or an ovariohysterectomy.

If your unspayed female dog accidentally mates with another dog, there are mismating injections that can be administered by your veterinarian within one to two days after mating. Unfortunately, these injections do carry risks and shouldn’t be given too often.

Can Neutered Dogs Still Get Stuck?

Its rare, but not impossible for a neutered dog to get stuck when pairing up with a female. “Its more likely if your dog is recently neutered. Thats because he may still have higher testosterone levels than he will later on,” says Greer. Testosterone increases a dogs sex drive and affects the swelling of the bulbis glandis. However, even with less of the hormone, your dog can still become aroused, have intercourse, and end with a copulatory tie.


What happens when dogs mate and get stuck?

It’s rare, but not impossible for a neutered dog to get stuck when pairing up with a female. “It’s more likely if your dog is recently neutered. That’s because he may still have higher testosterone levels than he will later on,” says Greer.

What do you do when a dog gets stuck in a woman?

The best and only thing that you can do is stay calm and wait it out. Given time, your dogs will separate themselves and be no worse for wear. If the tie lasts for longer than 20 minutes, try to relax the female dog by petting her. Otherwise, don’t try to get involved.