Dog Throwing Up Yellow Mucus

Dogs vomit. Anyone who’s spent a lot of time around canines knows this for a fact. The most common form of vomit is bile or bile reflux. It’s yellow or greenish in color and usually odorless. It can have the consistency of goo, be full of mucus … or air-filled and foamy. Here’s what it means when you see your dog throwing up yellow …

What Is Bile? Bile comes from the liver and gallbladder. It breaks down fats and oils in the small intestine … it helps your dog’s body absorb nutrients. Here’s a bit more detail on how that works.

Bile comes from recycled red blood cells that get converted into billirubin through cellular metabolic processes in the liver. Billirubin goes through the bile ducts into the gall bladder and breaks down dietary fats for digestion. Bile is very alkaline so it helps neutralize the acidic stomach contents, protecting the sensitive small intestinal lining. The acidic content of the stomach passes through the pyloric valve into the duodenum … then the pyloric sphincter closes. If It doesn’t close, bile leaks into the stomach and reacts with the acid left in the stomach. This is what you see when your dog vomits up yellow vomit.

So let’s talk about what to do if you see your dog vomiting yellow bile or foam.

Symptoms of Vomiting of Yellow Mucus in Dogs

Symptoms may include:

  • Vomiting frothy yellow mucous
  • Nausea
  • Excessive swallowing
  • Depression
  • Dehydration
  • Lack of appetite
  • Stomach upset and noises
  • Retching
  • When Dog Vomiting is a Symptom

    More often than not, yellow vomit is common in dogs and not a huge cause for concern. However, sometimes gastrointestinal upset in our beloved fur babies can be a symptom of a bigger issue. In other words, your dogs vomit may not be the primary issue at hand, but a side-effect of another matter entirely. Therefore, it is always ideal to keep an eye out for additional symptoms.

    1. Pancreatitis

    Another cause of yellow vomiting is pancreatitis. Sometimes, when a dog eats too many oily or fatty foods, the pancreas can become inflamed. If this is the case, yellow vomiting will typically occur between one and five days after the unsavory food was consumed.

    Furthermore, pancreatitis is characterized by additional symptoms of diarrhea and extreme abdominal pain.

    2. Gastrointestinal Issues

    Moreover, excessive yellow vomit can sometimes be a symptom of extreme digestive distress. When paired with other adverse symptoms, yellow vomiting may be an indicator of intestinal parasites, stomach ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), liver disease, or certain GI cancers.

    Keep in mind that these diagnoses are only possibilities when yellow vomit is paired with multiple other symptoms. Such as:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea (possibly bloody)
  • Lethargy
  • Depression
  • Abrupt changes in your dogs behavior
  • Vomiting blood
  • Dehydration
  • Yellowing of the skin, gums, or eyes
  • Weight loss
  • If your sweet dog is suffering multiple of the aforementioned symptoms, visit your veterinarian immediately to further investigate your dogs health affliction.

    3. Blockage in the Intestines

    In some extreme cases, yellow vomit may be an indicator that your dog feasted on something other than kibble. Pica is a condition in which dogs crave, and in turn, consume non-food items. These items may include socks, silverware, rocks, towels, sporting goods, and a number of other unusual items.

    Naturally, these items are not exactly thrown a welcome party by your dogs gastrointestinal tract. In fact, when ingested these foreign objects can cause harmful blockages that may require surgery to remove.

    Causes of Vomiting of Yellow Mucus in Dogs

    Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreatitis can be an acute or chronic condition. The inflammation can cause the organ and the surrounding blood vessels to bleed and get infected. If left untreated pancreatitis can also damage the ability of the pancreas to function normally.

    With an intestinal blockage, your dog may vomit yellow mucus because there is something obstructing his intestines. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) will cause a chronic irritation of the dog’s intestinal tract.

    In the case of bilious vomiting syndrome, the empty stomach causes bile to irritate your dog’s digestive tract; the dog then vomits bile. It can become an ongoing cycle; empty stomach, bile, and vomit. Vomit, empty stomach and bile.

    Gastritis is the inflammation and irritation of the stomach.

    Giardia is a parasite that can invade the gastrointestinal tract and can cause the dog to vomit bile.


    Should I feed my dog after vomiting yellow bile?

    Yellow vomit is very common when a dog has an empty stomach, and the yellow color that you see is due to bile secretions. This occurs most commonly in the middle of the night or early morning hours. It can be caused by acid buildup, reflux, or any other systemic condition that causes nausea on an empty stomach.

    Should I be worried if my dog throws up yellow?

    A dog throwing up yellow foam or bile at night or in the morning can often be caused by an empty stomach. A lack of food can cause bile to build up and irritate your dog’s stomach lining, so in this case, it’s a good idea to feed your dog after you see him vomiting yellow.