If you’ve noticed your dogs bottom jaw starting to quiver, there’s a good chance the cause is from the list below. Before jumping to any extreme medical conditions, go through this list and see if one of the following could be causing this behavior.
If you think your dog might be quivering from cold weather, be sure to keep the house warm (if they’re an inside dog). If you keep your dog outside, make sure to use a dog coat and boots to keep them warm.
If you suspect a medical issue is causing the trembling, make sure you get your dog into the vet as soon as possible.
When you watch your dog’s bottom jaw quiver for the first time, you might start to wonder if something is wrong. I know I did when I first saw this happen in my pup!
As dog’s age, they begin to lose strength. For an old dog, trembling could just be because their jaw is fatigued from eating, drinking water, or barking. Older dogs also tend to experience more pain. This pain could result in jaw quivering. With old dogs, the best thing you can do is to make them feel comfortable.
What does it mean when your dog’s bottom lip quivers?
The most common reason for dog’s lip quivering is excitement. Dogs lip usually quiver when they are excited about something new, or something they really love; for instance: a treat, a toy, new food, or even when it is playtime.
Why does my dog open and close his mouth repeatedly?
Dogs may open and close their mouth repeatedly if they are choking. The dog is having difficulty getting enough air so the repeated open and closing of the mouth may indicate a dog’s attempt at trying to dislodge whatever foreign object is stuck in the dog’s throat.
While there are a lot of causes of lockjaw in pets, thankfully they are all relatively rare. Still, if you notice your pet having trouble picking up food or chewing, or if you see wasting away of the muscles on top of your pet’s head, trismus may be the reason, and it’s worth a trip to the vet.