What should I look for when buying an English bull terrier? Get Your Pet Thinking

Miniature Bull Terriers is ideal for large families.

These are social dogs that thrive in big households with lots of people to play with. In a nutshell, the Miniature Bull Terrier loves being with its human family. The Miniature Bull Terrier will become sad if it spends much of its time alone in the backyard.

It would make a dreadful outside dog because it thrives best when surrounded by his loved ones. But that doesnt mean hes interested in smushing down next to you on the floor. Hed rather have you join him on a brisk walk than anything else.

Assess the Bull Terrier Breeder in Person

This is the crux of the matter. If done successfully, you will get a healthy rubber-ball dog that will provide the friendship and the humor bullies are known for. If not, you will be scammed out of a lot of money and be no closer to your own cherished clown. Worse, and this does happen, you will be sold an infected puppy.

There have been cases where new owners lost newly bought pups to severe diseases such as parvo. It is of paramount importance not to let excitement rush the decision-making process. The adage “prevention is better than cure” has never been more important. In this case, it also prevents huge financial loss or the death of a pet.

If you are lucky enough to meet with a nearby breeder, then discuss everything that comes to mind:

Find out if they are registered with the countrys main kennel club.

Ask if the dogs have papers, if they will be given their shots and if the parents can be viewed. If denied any or all, it should be a deal breaker.

Again, remember that this article is only a guide. If a breeder seems genuine in your opinion, the pups look plump and happy, but the parents are nowhere in sight and the papers “are in the mail”, then you must decide. Not every kennel is ideal in the sense that you can view parents, receive instant papers or a vaccinated pup. This doesnt mean all of them are bad. Just not ideal.


If a person pushes a sale, is jumpy or cant provide answers about themselves, their dogs, or the breed, then be very careful. A good breeder will never rush you to pick a pup because “theyre going fast” and will patiently answer any inquiries. In fact, the best breeders worry about the puppies they sell. They want to see that you are a true lover of the breed. A scammer wont care if a Martian picks a puppy, as long as it hands over the dough.

Online assessment is more difficult. All you have is the information they make available. Off the bat, ignore ads and sites that obviously cost the breeder nothing or are very cheap. Pride radiates from a reputable kennels banner—it will be in color, showing their best dogs, the kennel name and contact details. They dont normally use phrases like “litter available, three males, two females.”

They usually work down a waiting list when pups are ready to go home. The only way you get on that waiting list is to contact them via email or phone. A good kennel will then assess you. You might be asked to fill out an application, so they can see your reasons and experience with the breed. If approved, they will add you to the roll or show available pups. You might even be asked to sign a contract requiring you to have the puppy examined by a vet after purchase or return the dog should you no longer be able to care for it.

Unlike criminals or puppy mills, who only provide pets, you will be given the opportunity to pick a house pet, show dog or a future breeding animal. Prices will differ, but you can bet the show and breeding dogs will cost more.

Avoid short, worded ads with no s. Also, people who are in it for the money will have second-grade websites. A true kennel will show off their brood and studs, victories in the show ring, their qualifications as judges and experience with the breed.

The site will stay updated, interactive and informative. The scammers often have blurry photos, or s too good to be true, little information about themselves or promote products more than the dogs. Other websites have pages that are sparsely populated and sprinkled with dead buttons. That being said, the best puppy scams have some fantastic websites. Not every scam is immediately obvious, but even professional criminals will struggle not to push the sale and lose patience with too many questions. If a breeder answers but is short-worded, rude or not informative, move on. He or she is not the only cookie in the jar.

A standard Bull Terrier posing with a brindle, miniature companion.

Generally, this dog breed has an honest personality, as well. It’s easy to read, and you can usually determine what it is feeling. As such, the no-nonsense character matches its personality. You know it won’t take any guff and will be a great protector of the home, but the dog will respond to love and give it in return. While you may consider going to a shelter or pound, those who want a bull terrier are likely going to have to do research to find the right breeder. It’s important to know these 10 things about the bull terrier before you choose to own one.

Bull terriers have a specific style and appearance. It’s not matched with any other breed, but it’s never forgotten, either. Therefore, these dogs can look uninitiated or imposing, depending on the situation. However, this dog breed tends to be quiet, gentle, affectionate and loving as a rule. As such, it is much happier making friends and getting attention than it desires to get in a fight.

If you’re considering a new pet for your home, it might be time to think about owning a dog. Everyone knows that dogs are a man’s best friend, but they are excellent for anyone who might be lonely or want love. As such, there are a variety of breeds out there, making it tough to determine which option is best for you. The bull terrier is a favorite among the English, but they are popular in America, too. Primarily, it happens to be an unofficial symbol of the British and might give you a sense of pride for ownership.

Before you buy a dog – BULL TERRIER – 7 facts to consider! DogCastTV!