How much do affenpinscher puppies cost? A Comprehensive Guide

Average Cost of an Affenpinscher Puppy & Subsequent Yearly Costs

You can expect to pay between $650 and $3,000 for your Affenpinscher puppy, however, the average price tends to fall more in the range of $1,000 and $2,000. There are a number of factors that contribute to the ultimate Affenpinscher cost, which we’ll break down below.

If you purchase a puppy for a median price of $1,500, you can expect your first-year costs to total approximately $2,165. After the first year, your annual costs drop to about $820, making them a relatively inexpensive dog to care for.

Affenpinschers have an average lifespan of 13 years. Over the course of your pooch’s lifetime, you can expect to spend a total of $10,700.

Entertainment/Toy Costs: Affenpinscher

Affenpinschers need just a little amount of physical activity and dog sports.

Most dog owners can handle this on their own. Nevertheless, if you will be gone for long periods, you may want to consider hiring a dog walker regularly.

Many dog walkers cost between $15 and $25 for a one-hour outing with your pet.

There’s not much here. Paying $60-$100 per week for a dog walker if you need them five days a week isn’t unreasonable.

In certain cases, Affenpinschers need solitary walks due to their inability to get along with other dogs.

Playing with toys is a favorite pastime for these dogs. Toys are a year-round expense for dogs, and this is no exception.

A few are going to break, and a few will disappear.

Toys for your dog are often purchased once or twice a month. Like an Affenpinscher could demolish any soft, plush toy in minutes, they must be tough.

Even if costlier, toys that last a long time are a better investment.

You may anticipate paying between $15 and $30 a month if you get the right toys.

If your dog’s toys seem to be disappearing quicker than usual, it’s time to invest in bigger, more durable options.

You may find yourself spending less money on toys as your dog ages.

After six or seven, they’ll probably cease playing rough and more often trash their toys.

On the other hand, Affenpinschers Puppies are far more likely than Affenpinschers adults to engage in physical play.

The Entertainment and Toys of Affenpinscher can cost around $400.

You’ll spend the most money on your dog’s medical care since the expenses rise swiftly in this area.

Flea prevention, as well as any drugs they need, will cost money.

The expense of dogs with underlying illnesses is much higher than that of dogs without any underlying issues.

This is where the bulk of your expenses will be incurred.

Veterinary care fees will eat up a large chunk of your dog’s monthly expenses.

Puppies are costlier than adults since they need more preventive care than older dogs.

You may anticipate seeing the veterinarian three times if you have a puppy.

Vaccines and parasite prevention are included in these appointments and a physical examination.

If your breeder has already paid for the initial test, it will save you money.

Adults just only one yearly checkup for preventive care.

This visit, though, will be more comprehensive. Due to their increased size, parasite prevention will cost little extra costs.

Puppies are cheaper than adults on average, although the difference isn’t huge.

Most dog owners spend about $40 a month caring for their pets, but most are spent on a few doctor appointments.

You may expect to pay between $10 to $25 for a visit to a veterinarian.


There’s no doubt that the Affenpinscher is an adorable dog. However, don’t let that fact get in the progress of training your pooch. Let’s just say that his playful nature sometimes gets in the way of his focus on his lessons. After all, he is so eager to please. We suggest keeping treats as training aids only, given his propensity to gain weight. It’s an excellent way to connect with his loyalty and trust-building.

How much do affenpinscher puppies cost?

There are two things to remember when working with this pup. First, his background as a hunter has given him an independent streak. That’s not unusual for dogs that served in this capacity. Second, this pooch really wants to please you. That’s why rewarding him with treats works so well. He is moderately sensitive, making positive reinforcement the best approach.

The Affenpinscher is an intelligent dog. That’s great when it comes to training, but it can become an issue with other behavioral problems, especially if he gets bored. If you don’t give him something to do, he’ll find it—and not always in a way you’d like or appreciate. Interactive toys are a smart solution that handles it in an innovative way.

Affenpinscher – Top 10 Facts