Frequent Can a dog be alone for 12 hours? Tips and Tricks

So How Long Can You Leave A Dog Alone?

Trainers are often asked, “What’s the maximum amount of time a dog can be left alone in a single stretch?” There’s no simple answer to this. We know that in most cases, a dog will manage if he has no choice, but we shouldn’t push the envelope just because we can.

Let’s consider the dog’s basic needs. While not all dogs are alike, most adult dogs should be able to go outside to relieve themselves about three to five times a day (more often if they are sick or elderly) and shouldn’t be forced to “hold it” for more than four to six hours at a time, on average. We know most adult dogs can hold their bladders for more than six hours, but they really shouldn’t have to.

Granted, this is relative. Some dogs, if given the opportunity, will go outside to eliminate every couple of hours, while others – even with the freedom to do so – might still only eliminate three times a day.

You know your dog best and are in a unique position to figure out what his individual needs are. When you’re home during the weekend, does you dog stick to his usual weekday elimination schedule, or does he tend to go out more often?

Puppies need to eliminate way more often than adults, and although we can set up their “home alone” environment to include a space where they can eliminate indoors, there is still the question of how long they should be left alone without human company.

Dogs are social animals and should have the opportunity to interact with people at least several times a day, and with other dogs on occasion, if this is something they enjoy.

It’s even more important to not leave puppies home alone all day. Puppies younger than 14 weeks of age are in a sensitive socialization period and benefit from lots of social interaction. They should be in the company of their family for significantly more time than an adult dog.

Again, for emphasis: Leaving a puppy home alone all day is a waste of valuable – crucial – socialization time that can confer lifelong benefits.

Clubs Offering:

  • The amount of time dogs need to spend with humans varies depending on each individual pet
  • A dog should spend no more than 6-8 hours alone during the day without a dog walker or dog daycare
  • Recognize the signs of separation anxiety, which is a sign of stress when dogs are left alone

Working humans, students, families juggling busy schedules, and those who travel a lot may have to leave our dogs alone more often than we’d like.

Whatever the reason your pet may be alone at the house for long hours or away at a kennel for periods of time, we spoke with Dr. Vint Virga, who is board-certified in veterinary behavior and the author of The Soul of All Living Creatures, to understand how our pets feel when we’re away, how to make the time apart as comfortable as possible, how much quality socialization time dogs crave, and how many hours a day might be too many for pets to be alone.

How Much Socialization Time Do Dogs Need Per Day?

How much time a dog needs to spend with humans or other dogs will vary by the individual pet, and can’t be generalized by breed, age, or overall health, explains Dr. Virga.

“Some dogs will do better with more alone time than others,” he says. That said, for a general guideline, dogs should get a minimum of two hours of dedicated social time with humans or other dogs on a daily basis, which can be broken up into chunks of time over the course of the day.

Frequent Can a dog be alone for 12 hours?

Leaving Dog Home Alone: 8, 12, 24 Hours

Leaving your dog home can weigh heavy on the heart of a dog owner, especially if you are frequently gone for long amounts of time. How long can you leave a dog alone? The exact answer for your pup depends on many factors, including age, breed, and temperament, but Wagly Veterinary Hospital & Pet Campus wants to help you narrow down the window of how many hours a day you can safely leave your dog alone.