Frequent Can I give my dog frozen veggies? Here’s What to Do Next

What Vegetables Are Dogs Not Allowed To Eat?

Your dog’s digestive system is very different from yours. You’ll notice that virtually everything you’d find on your favorite veggie pizza is not safe for your dog to consume.

  • Wild mushrooms
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Tomatoes (technically a fruit)
  • Avocado
  • The mushrooms you buy at the store are probably safe for your dog to consume, but you’re still taking a risk if you choose to feed them to your pet. It’s better to avoid getting in the habit of allowing your dog to associate mushrooms with snacks.

    Aromatics like onion, garlic, shallots, and chives are toxic to dogs. These vegetables and herbs contain a toxic compound that will damage your dog’s red blood cells, leading to anemia that can be fatal if left untreated. You should never allow your dog to ingest anything that may have come into contact with plants in the alum family.

    Tomatoes are technically okay for your dog to eat, but the green leaves of the tomato plant contain compounds that are toxic to your dog. Avocados, too, contain toxins in the pit and flesh, and can lead to diarrhea or vomiting. It’s best to keep your dog as far away from tomatoes and avocados as possible.

    How To Serve Vegetables to Your Dog

    Although eating vegetables is simple for people, dogs have a few special requirements. The way your vegetables are sourced and served matters nearly as much as the vegetables themselves.

    Many prepared vegetables are made with butter, oils, and seasoning. Your dog shouldn’t have any of these things. Your dog won’t mind that the vegetables are bland.

    If you’re preparing vegetables for your family, set aside some plain vegetables or serve them to your dog before they’ve been seasoned.

    Can Dogs Eat Vegetables?

    Dogs can, should, and do eat vegetables in moderation. Vegetables are an excellent compromise in terms of healthy snacks and people food. Your dog can experience new flavors and textures without added fats, sugars, or artificial ingredients that may be harmful to your pet’s health.

    Most high-quality dog foods already contain some vegetables that provide flavor, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber to the formula. Fresh whole dog food often contains visible pieces of carrots and peas, and it’s what we recommend!

    15 Fruits and Vegetables you can feed your dog