Frequent Can I track my dog with a microchip? The Ultimate Guide

Locating a Lost Pet Using Its Microchip

  • Keep your pet tagged at all times, even when using a microchip. Not only will it make it easier to locate you if your pet is lost, microchips can also work their way out of the pet’s body. ⧼thumbs_response⧽ Helpful 18 Not Helpful 11
  • In very rare cases, the injection site may have side effects like oozing or swelling. If this happens, take your pet to the vet immediately.[18] ⧼thumbs_response⧽ Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
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    To locate a lost pet using its microchip, enter the pet’s chip number into an online universal registry. Then, if your pet is taken to a vet or shelter, they will scan it to see if it’s microchipped, at which point they’ll be able to access your contact information and notify you of your lost pet’s whereabouts. In the case of rescue pets, contact the shelter to see if your pet was chipped, and assure them that you want your pet back if they’re notified. Also, keep in mind that a microchip isnt a GPS tracker, so youll need to wait until your pets chip is scanned at a vet or shelter. To learn how to install a microchip in your pet, keep reading!

  • Joyce Winton “I like how detailed this post is. It answered all my queries. Thank you.”
  • Always know where your dog is

    Follow every step in real-time with unlimited range. Get alerts if they wander too far. Keep them happy & healthy with Wellness Monitoring. And let others – like walkers or sitters – keep an eye on your dog too.

    Wait for the microchipping company to contact you.

    Now comes the hard part. You’ll be able to find your dog if his microchip has been scanned at a vet clinic or a shelter to retrieve pet and owner information. Microchips don’t work the same way as GPS trackers, which give you the real time location of your missing pet. If you kept your contact details updated on the microchip registry, whoever finds your pet and scans its microchip should be able to reach you immediately.

    Waiting for a call could be difficult. When your pet gets lost, you will also have to take active steps to find your lost dog, among them, creating and posting flyers, doing a thorough search of the neighborhood, and reporting your missing pet to It’s important that you have a friend or a family member at home in case you get a call notifying you that your pet has been found.

    Can You Track Your Dog With A Microchip?