When can you touch newborn puppies?
However adorable they may be, resist the temptation to pick up newborn puppies unless you have to. The mother dog is usually capable to taking care of all the puppies needs in the first weeks, and you shouldnt have to interfere. Once the puppies are about three weeks old, they will begin to move around on their own. This is when you can begin to pet them and interact with them more.
You should only touch or pick up a newborn puppy if you observe that it is sick, if the mother abandons it, or in the case of orphaned puppies. Even if you do decide that it is necessary to touch the newborn puppies, do so with great care and following the guidelines set out in the following section.
As we have explained, there are certain situations in which you can or have to touch newborn puppies. However, you should never be careless. Make sure you are handling the puppy correctly so as not to harm it. The first thing to keep in mind is that your hands should not be cold. You can touch newborn puppies with your bare hands, but make sure you have washed your hands properly and that they are at body temperature. Of course, if you want to play it safe, you can wear gloves.
To pick up a newborn puppy, open your hand and circle their body, keeping your thumb on one side, between the front and back legs, and the rest of your fingers on the opposite side. This is the easiest way to pick up newborn puppies if you have to move them or put them into a box or carrier, for example.
To hold a newborn puppy, it is more common to run your hand under its belly, keeping one or two fingers between its front legs to cradle it. This is the position normally used when bottle feeding orphaned puppies. If you are caring for an orphaned pup, look at this article homemade newborn puppy formula and how to administer it.
If you decide to touch a newborn puppy, you must ask yourself why. If you need to check its temperature, for example, you can gently place a hand on the puppy, without having to pick it up. If you are still unsure, and even though they are small, you can use a thermometer. Do this only with great care, lubricating the tip and introducing it into the anus. This sort of maneuver is best performed without picking up the puppy or removing it from its mother. As we have said, if you simply want to pet the puppies, it is best to wait until they are three weeks old. You can also consult the vet for more specific advice on handling your puppies.
How to care for orphaned newborn puppies
In certain unfortunate circumstances you may have to look after newborn puppies that are orphans. Remember that they will need special care and attention. First of all, it is important to feed them frequently, using a formula created specifically for puppies. While feeding the pups, you may have to hold them. Follow the instructions given above for holding newborn puppies when bottle feeding. It is also vital to keep the puppies warm. You can do this by placing them in a warm box with an open top and using blankets.
The newborn puppies will also need your help to urinate and defecate. Normally the mother dog regularly licks each puppys genital and anal area, stimulating the elimination reflex. You can help produce the same effect by wiping the puppys genital and anal area with a damp cotton or gauze pad soon after each feeding. Here is more detailed information on how to make a newborn puppy poop, and other advice on caring for orphaned puppies.
Remember to keep an eye on a newborn puppys navel. Make sure it stays clean and dry to avoid infections. Also monitor the newborn puppys eyes, which will stay closed for the first 7-8 days. An inflammation in the eyes, before they open, could indicate an infection and will need veterinary treatment. In fact, it is always a good idea to consult the vet with any questions you may have when caring for an orphaned newborn puppy.
Should I Carry A Puppy Out To Pee?
Like babies, puppies have no control over where or when they will unleash their “goodies”. Potty training your puppy is vital as it eliminates the hustle of cleaning their pee and poop in the house all the time.
But please keep in mind, the timing of the training is crucial, and taking a newborn out to pee within three weeks is not a smart idea. In fact, you will be putting them in danger of getting deadly infections or injuries.
I recommend you should start potty training your puppy when they are 12 weeks old. At this stage, they will have good control of her bowel movement and bladder and can learn how to control them.
The puppy will also be mature enough to understand the training at this time in the growing process.
However, if your puppy is under 12 weeks old, it is pointless to carry them outside to pee. Pups have a weak immune system and are vulnerable to deadly diseases such as Canine Distemper and Canine Parvovirus.
These diseases are very contagious and a scenario you need to avoid.
Only carry your puppy outside after they reach 12 weeks old and have been vaccinated to protect them from contracting any disease.