Why Do Dogs Look Out of the Window and Bark?
Dogs do require a lot of exercises, and it is very much necessary that their body gets the exercise it requires, else it may end up frustrating them and might cause them to feel fussy. All the excess energy that gets stored due to lack of exercise might lead them to feel frustrated while looking out into the world, hence barking at everyone and everything that they see outside.
Unlike humans, dogs have very strong senses, and they might probably smell or sense anything suspicious or dangerous approaching before one can even see it, hence making them bark.
Why Does My Dog Look Out of the Window
Although there could be various reasons behind why your dog looks out of the window, let us look at a few possibilities that could make them behave this way and the things one might need to consider doing depending on what the causes could be:
If you are someone who has trained their dogs to follow a certain routine for walks, maybe your dog is looking out, trying to indicate that it’s almost time to go out. This may also mean they are excited to go out and play if they are wagging their tale along.
Depending on how they’ve been trained, dogs are very disciplined animals. They would only behave in certain ways only when the need comes up, which is why it is so essential to study their behaviors closely for any signs of change or discomfort.
Dogs are naturally playful and active animals. And when they are being restricted to being indoors, they might usually look out the window to watch the world outside to entertain themselves. Maybe something outside has caught their attention; people passing by, cars or other dogs, or even squirrels climbing trees.
This could actually keep them from getting bored or depressed. This also could be a way of them being in touch with the world outside. Sometimes this world outside could seem more interesting than theirs, and so they would simply relish the view and keep themselves occupied with its activities.
If your dog is looking outside the window and barking at other dogs walking past your house, it may simply mean they are trying to communicate with the other dogs to let them know this is his territory that they aren’t supposed to trespass.
Your dog may feel threatened by the presence of a stranger or other dogs as well. This is a way of your dog establishing himself and making sure who is in control. It is usually their territorial instinct.
Although this behavior of your dog looking outside may seem nothing out of the ordinary and may seem completely harmless, it is also important to check and see if they are doing it often, if they have specific timing to it or if they’ve suddenly formed this habit and what could be the cause of it.
One possibility could be that your dog isn’t feeling comfortable inside, for whatever reason, and wants to go out instead. In this case, it is important to check and see what is causing this discomfort and why.
They could be anything from the room being a little too hot or bright or loud for them. This could be more likely if there have been some changes made in the environment surrounding your dog, and it may cause them to feel anxious or stressed out sometimes. Especially during summer, most dogs feel uncomfortable if the room temperature is a little too hot.
It would help if you could install coolers to help maintain the room temperature according to your dog’s preference. Remember that too much heat during summer can cause discomfort to your furry companion, getting heatstroke inside closed cars being one prominent example of it.
If your dog usually looks out the window when there are people passing by, say during the daytime, it is likely that your dog simply enjoys watching the activities happening outside, and it has nothing to do with health concerning reasons.
It could also be that they enjoy sitting by the window, usually if it’s cool near the window. In this case, you don’t have to be worried and instead let them simply be. It actually helps their cognitive process by stimulating their brains.
Dogs and Car Windows: Engaging All of His Senses
Another consideration when it comes to dogs and windows is your car window. You’ve no doubt seen cars passing by with a canine companion in the passenger seat, head hanging out of the window. Most dogs love to do this, and there’s nothing quite like feeling a warm summer breeze while driving down the highway.
However, it is important to mention that this may not be the safest place for your dog in the car. Still, keeping him in the back seat using a seatbelt made specifically for dogs doesn’t mean he cannot enjoy the breeze. Even rolling down the window partially can fulfill his need for external stimulation through his senses.
A dog’s nose has something called an olfactory bulb — humans have one, too, but a dog’s olfactory bulb is about forty times larger (source).
While humans are more wired to depend on sight, a dog’s brain is dominated by the olfactory cortex of his brain. It allows him to process smells, with somewhere close to 220 million scent receptors in that tiny little nose.
So, if you think about why he loves having the window rolled down, it is because he is engaging with all of his senses, particularly his nose, and this, in and of itself, provides him quite a lot of environmental enrichment and stimulation.
The dog was constantly looking out the window. The owner was surprised when she found out the reason
If you have a dog that perches in the window, peacefully soaking up the sun like a cat while calmly watching the world go by, then you are one of the lucky 1%. (Facts may be over-dramatized to make a point.) These beautifully curious dogs are totally unaffected by all that is happening on the other side of the glass, never barking or showing any signs of hyper-activity what-so-ever. (That 1% is sounding right on the money right about now.)
Some dogs discover their lookout-station (window sills, backs of sofas, etc.) on their own while others have their perch created for them by their guilt-ridden humans who hate to have to leave their dog home alone. Owners who fall into this category feel like giving their dog a view makes life better for him. But does it? In most cases this could not be farther from the truth. The dog sitting on his perch barking at the mailman, cats, cars and neighbors not only feels frustrated, but also, in many cases, an increased sense of responsibility. As humans, we know that both frustration and an added sense of responsibility both fall under the umbrella of stress. No fun!
Think of it like this. If you were anything like I was as a child you got sent to your room for misbehaving. It was called being grounded or punished. Having a window with a view of friends playing outside while being locked up in the bedroom would actually increase the punishment, not lessen it. This increases frustration.
Then theres the territorial aspect of it. Territorial dogs will only see the window as another medium to alert them of who is encroaching on their turf which forces them to be on high alert all day long. This increases their territorial responsibility.
Both of these mental states cause elevated stress hormone levels, which is just as bad for dogs as it is for humans. And, if we look at this situation in terms of maintaining a balanced home where the dog respects his humans, it can also throw things off. A dog that has too many responsibilities can have an inflated sense of authority as well. The dog may start to think of himself as self-employed rather than working for a family where the humans are in charge.
So, if this has made you realize that you need to take away your dogs view, dont feel badly about it. Shut those drapes, close those blinds, take away that perch and know that you are actually giving your dog a gift by lowering his sense of responsibility and frustration – hence lowering stress levels.
You can always alleviate those feelings of guilt by taking him for more walks, joining an agility class or taking Fido with you whenever possible.
Window seats are only for the 1% of those dogs who can totally relax and enjoy the view.