Frequent What happens if you don’t get the whole tick out of a dog? What to Know

How do you Remove a Tick Head That Gets Stuck in Your Dog’s Skin?

I read through several articles explaining how to remove a tick head if it is stuck in your dog.

I found these instructions:

“With your thumb and forefinger pinch up the fold of skin with the embedded tick head.

Using a scalpel or a sterilized single razor blade, carefully scrape the skin containing the head and mouth of the tick, or use a sterilized needle to break the skin and remove the head and mouth.”

One article I read said to use the sharp edge of a credit card to try and dislodge the tick head from the skin.

I tried pinching up the extra skin so I could see the head part embedded in there better. I could see it alright. I could FEEL it.

However, gently scraping the surface of the skin with a credit card, trying to catch the edge and pull it out didn’t work.

Frequent What happens if you don’t get the whole tick out of a dog?

The next step was trying razor blade? Uh. No. I’m not using anything that sharp near my wiggly dog.

The articles I read warned about trying too remove the remaining tick body parts many times and irritating it more so I didn’t want to push it.

The Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center actually recommends not trying to remove the embedded tick head at all.

“Do not attempt to remove the mouthparts if they are left in the skin after tick removal… The mouthparts will come out over time naturally.

Trying to remove these mouthparts can cause more trauma and may cause a local skin infection.”

I was still wary of leaving the broken tick head in my dog but it seemed the risk of leaving it alone to do it’s thing may outweigh continuing to pick at it.

Don’t Attempt to Extract the Tick Head Yourself

If you think you might be able to remove the tick head or mouthparts yourself with a few attempts using your tweezers, it’s better to put the tweezers down. This could make the situation worse, irritating your pet’s skin and increasing the risk of a skin infection.

What to Do If a Tick Head Is Stuck in Your Pet’s Skin

If your cat or dog is running around with part of a tick stuck in their skin, they may not even realize it — and most of the time, it’s not cause for concern. If you removed most of the tick, the remaining parts will generally work their way out over a few days, similar to a splinter.

It’s important to disinfect and keep an eye on the area; apply antibiotic ointment or another pet-safe disinfectant and monitor your pet so you can take action if necessary. Note: Never treat the area with disinfectant if the entire tick is still attached — this can increase the risk of disease transmission.

If the affected area becomes red, swollen or painful, or has a draining sore, it’s time to book an appointment with the vet right away. Your vet will advise you on the best course of action, depending on whether the remnants of the tick are causing harm to your pet. If the affected area has already become infected, your vet may prescribe a topical antibiotic or a course of oral antibiotics to help treat it.

How To Take A Tick Off Your Dog – Professional Dog Training Tips

If your dog spends a lot of time outside, tick checks should be part of your daily routine. In many areas of the United States, ticks are active year-round, even after a killing frost. Here’s how to spot a tick—and what to do if one has grabbed hold of your pet.