Discover delicious food your dog deserves
Most dogs can eat raw beef and provided your pup finds raw meat appetising, a couple of small pieces of plain, uncooked beef can make a delicious and nutritious treat.
However, some dogs don’t like raw beef and will turn their nose up at it. Additionally, raw meat has a risk of carrying harmful bacteria like salmonella which can make both you and your dog sick if you ingest it.
Although many dogs can eat raw beef, it isn’t suitable or safe for every dog, especially if it becomes the bulk of their diet. A dog eating lots of raw beef as the main ingredient in their meals might develop vitamin or mineral deficiencies if their meals aren’t providing complete nutrition.
Meanwhile, some dogs simply have sensitive stomachs that can’t handle raw beef very well, and eating it can causegastroenteritis,diarrhoea, or other digestive issues.
In short, dogs can eat raw beef but there is the potential it might make your pooch sick. You can try feeding them little pieces of lean, raw beef to see if they like it and can digest it, and offer them some more if they seem perfectly fine!
Dogs can eat beef mince and many people use boiled beef mince and rice as to create a bland meal for their pup if they’re feeling sick. Beef mince is perfectly safe for your dog to eat and they can munch on mince whether it is raw or cooked, but raw mince has the same risks as any sort of raw beef. Just make sure your mutt’s mince is always served plain without any seasonings or spices.
Beef jerky is a scrumptious, protein-packed snack, and you’d be forgiven for thinking that it was a delicious and healthy treat for dogs. Although dried beef isn’t necessarily bad for dogs, the problem is that we humans cure it with all kinds of spices from salt and pepper to chilli and garlic.
Some of these seasonings, like chilli, are known to irritate canine digestive systems and might cause uncomfortable stomachache, vomiting or diarrhoea. Meanwhile, other ingredients like onion and garlic are considered toxic to dogs.
Even if your beef jerky only contains salt, your pooch should only ever eat a bite or two as a special treat. A bit of salt is safe for dogs, but eating too much can cause dehydration or sodium poisoning.
However, you can buy beef jerky treats that are made especially for dogs and don’t have any of the seasonings that could upset their tummy. You can also try making your own beef jerky at home, so you can control exactly what ingredients go into the beefy treat you and your dog are eating!
Yes, dogs can eat beef bones as long as they are raw. Chewing on bones is a great way for your dog to exercise their jaw muscles, and chowing down on a raw meaty bone can even help to clean their teeth.
Be aware that bone marrow is very fatty and can cause pancreatitis if your pooch eats a lot of it. If your dog has already suffered from pancreatitis in the past or requires a low-fat diet, they shouldn’t eat bones with marrow in.
However, even raw bones can still cause problems. Your dog might damage their teeth chewing in a hard bone, and broken pieces of bone are a potential choking hazard or can cause intestinal obstruction. Therefore you should always supervise your pooch while chewing any bones, even raw ones.
Myth: Don’t Feed Dogs Pork
But then I started to wonder why so few commercial foods contained pork. Some rumors include suggestions that pork’s high fat content will cause pancreatitis in dogs (yet pork contains a little over one-third the fat content of beef), that it contains something toxic to dogs’ livers (a mystery component), that pigs eat disgusting things including bugs (but it’s fine for people to eat them), and that pig meat is hard to come by (harder than bison?).
A few dog food companies do offer pork-based foods. Its scarcity may simply be because so many parts of a pig are used for human consumption that snouts and feet and such don’t make it to the dog food plant. And because of the possibility of trichinosis in uncooked pork, nobody is going to suggest it as a great raw-food ingredient.
According to Eagle Pack staff veterinarian Al Townshend, DVM, “Pork is a highly digestible animal protein, an excellent source of amino acids, and a unique protein source that not all pets are typically exposed to. It’s less likely to cause an allergic reaction that some pets may have to other proteins. We recommend pork as a protein because it contains more calories per pound.”
No, your dog shouldn’t eat cooked beef bones or any kind of cooked bone. Cooking breaks down the honeycomb structure of bone, making it much more brittle and likely to snap and splinter if your pooch chews on it.
These sharp shards of bone can seriously hurt your dog, cutting their mouth or even piercing their throat or intestines if they swallow them. And lets face it, most dogs don’t spit out whatever they chew, so it is possible they’ll swallow some sharp splinters and cause themselves an injury!
Why Red Meat Is Important For Your Pet
The Internet can offer a wealth of tips and facts on dog food. Unfortunately, it provides even more dog food myths and misinformation. Here’s a sampling of urban legends populating the Web and the actual truths behind them.