How can I help my dog with a lot of hair? Expert Advice

How to Get Rid of Dog Hair Everywhere

Now that you have some more background on why dogs shed, it’s time to address the issue at hand: dog hair removal.

Even if you’ve addressed any irritation or other causes of excess shedding, you’ll still need to battle against stray dog hair from time to time – or all the time, depending on your dog’s breed mix. Luckily, there are many tricks you can use to keep your home (somewhat) free of dog hair.

How to get dog hair out of carpet

Carpet is hard because it takes up so much space. A pumice stone works to ball up hair and make it easy to pick up, but who wants to spend their afternoon massaging their entire carpet? Regardless, it’s a great option for small areas.

To go over your entire carpet, a rubber broom is a better choice. Using a rubber broom or a similar tool will help pull up hairs and eliminate big clumps that can clog the vacuum. Once the fur is loosened from the carpet, it’s vacuuming time.

When you vacuum, try vacuuming in several different directions. It’s very unlikely that all the dog hairs will get stuck in the carpet the same way. By changing up your vacuuming pattern, you should be able to dislodge and suck up more fur overall.

Step 2: Identify Abnormal Shedding

So what if the weather is mild, and your dog seems to be shedding even more than normal for their breed? If that’s the case, here are several symptoms to keep an eye out for that may indicate an underlying medical condition:

  • Skin irritation (redness, bumps, rashes, and/or scabs)
  • Bald spots
  • Severely thinning coat
  • Open sores
  • Excessive itching or face rubbing
  • Higher than average licking
  • If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, especially if they last more than a week, it’s time for a trip to your veterinarian to rule out any medical conditions.

    How To Stop Dog Shedding (Easy Tricks from A Vet)

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]First things first, don’t panic. For the most part, dogs shed – it’s what they do. Shedding is a normal process in which your dog’s body naturally removes old or damaged hair. Even shedding that seems excessive (i.e. when the lint roller has become your new best friend) can be normal, depending on your dog’s breed, the weather, and several other factors.

    But how much is too much? As a pet parent, it’s important to be able to identify what constitutes abnormal shedding in your dog and to educate yourself on the right steps to take to get your beloved pup healthy again if an underlying medical condition lies at its source.

    So if your dog is shedding like crazy, here’s our step-by-step guide to determining when you should be concerned, how to minimize shedding, and how to deal with all that hair!