Whereas a 24-hour “wait and watch” approach might be reasonable for the youngster with such symptoms, waiting this long with an older dog before contacting your veterinarian may have dire consequences. 7. Schedule more regular checkups with your veterinarian Even if you think your dog is perfectly healthy. Once a year is ideal for young and middle aged dogs. Switch to twice yearly exams for seniors. A head to toe physical examination, discussing how your dog is faring, and blood and urine testing (particularly if your dog is elderly) will allow your veterinarian to detect abnormalities early, prevent minor issues from becoming major issues, and outline a preventive health care plan for your beloved best friend.
If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian – they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets. Related symptoms:
Once you have a senior citizen on your hands, a diet that is higher in fiber and less calorically dense is usually the best choice. Multiple small meals may be better suited to your dog than feeding a larger meal once daily. 3. Exercise with your dog Get out there and exercise with your dog! Not only will exercise help burn calories, it will strengthen muscles, enhance circulation and improve your dog’s heart and brain function. The activity you choose should be appropriate for your dog’s level of strength and stamina. No weekend warriors allowed. Shorter, more frequent walks may be better than going for a five-mile run. Gradually build up the duration and exertion of your dog’s activity level. 4. Keep your dog pain free Speaking of exercise, be sure to take the steps necessary to allow your dog to be active. If arthritis pain is getting in the way, work with your veterinarian to find the right combination of remedies to allow your dog to be comfortable enough to exercise. There are a myriad of treatment modalities to choose from:
The list goes on and on. Inactivity promotes a downhill cascade of events that is just about guaranteed to negatively impact your dog’s longevity. Do what it takes to keep your favorite pooch from becoming a couch potato. 5. Consider the changes your dog is going through As your aged dog experiences loss of hearing and/or vision, leash walks and closer supervision become a necessity. Prevent your canine senior citizen from encountering physical harm because of changes. Teaching hand signals at an early age will pay off as your dog begins to experience age-related hearing loss. Doublecheck the whereabouts of your older dog before pulling into, or backing out of your driveway. Older dogs are less agile. Add to this deeper sleep and diminished hearing or vision and, without extra caution, a driveway tragedy can happen. (Unfortunately, such tragic accidents occur all too often.) Whereas youngsters can recover from broken body parts lickety split, such is not the case for older dogs. 6. Act fast when your dog seems sick Act sooner rather than later when your dog isn’t feeling well. Compared to young and middle-aged dogs, seniors have less physical reserve and are more prone to becoming compromised following a spate of symptoms, including:
I recently addressed common age-related changes in dogs. Thinking about such changes begs the question, what can we do to enhance the longevity of our canine companions? Here is a list of my top seven recommendations, all of which I think are easier than you might expect. 1. Keep your dog trim Keep your dog at a slim, trim body weight. Obesity dramatically contributes to ever so many age-related, debilitating issues such as arthritis (a huge problem for way too many dogs), diabetes and heart disease. Feed your dog as little as it takes to maintain an ideal body condition score. Remember, in general, older dogs require approximately 30 percent fewer calories to maintain a healthy body weight. If your dog is overweight, ask your veterinarian to help you devise a plan to tackle this problem. 2. Feed your dog a complete diet Speaking of feeding your dog, be sure to choose diets that are:
Tip 1: Keep Your Senior Dog Active
As dogs age, it’s important that they continue to get plenty of exercise. If they dont move it, they lose it. Muscle mass is the main driver of metabolism, and dogs that lose muscle mass develop frailty syndrome, which accelerates the aging process.
If a dog’s activity level gradually decreases over time, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Owners of old dogs should watch for subtle signs of pain and visit a veterinarian to come up with an ideal treatment plan. Pet parents still think that slowing down is normal for old age. It isnt always the case—it is indicative of untreated pain.
Dog monitors that attach to a dog collar, such as the Whistle 3 dog GPS tracker and activity monitor, are useful tools that are designed to help pet parents keep tabs of their dog’s activity level. If activity levels are low, dog owners can adjust a pet’s exercise routine to include more playtime or longer walks.
Keeping your senior dog active will also help prevent weight gain. Keeping your dog thin is the most important thing you can do to help minimize the effects of arthritis.
Play Some Brain Games
Mental exercise is just as crucial as physical exercise for your dog’s well-being. Help keep their brain sharp with stimulating activities like puzzle toys, hide-and-seek, and treat “scavenger hunts” around the house. These workouts for the mind are key to keeping your dog in tip-top cognitive shape, and as a bonus, they’re a lot of fun for both of you.
How To Care For A Senior Dog – For Dogs 8+ Years Old – Professional Dog Training Tips
Seeing your dog reach seniorhood is a blessing, even if can be difficult to witness them start to slow down a little.
When your dog officially reaches senior status will depend on their size and genetics. Large breed dogs are considered seniors earlier with some giant breeds starting at age 5 or 6 years of age while smaller breeds become senior dogs later in life around age 8 to 10.
Of course, just because your dog hits a certain age doesn’t mean their health will start to go downhill overnight. With dogs, as with people, aging is often a slow and gradual process that begins with subtle physical and behavioral changes. By taking care of your senior dog properly from the outset, you can help manage this process—and ensure that your pup continues to live their best life, regardless of age.
Here are some ways to care for your aging dog and keep them healthy and happy as they face some of the challenges that come with being a senior.