How can I keep my dog cool without air conditioning? Essential Tips

Watch Your Dog’s Paws

If you walk on pavement, be extra sure to check the temperature of the pavement before you walk. Place your bare hand on the pavement for seven seconds. If it is uncomfortable, the pavement is too hot for your canine.

You can also pour a drop of water on the pavement. If it steams, it is far too hot for your canine.

Dogs can quickly burn their paws on the hot pavement. This injury can require veterinary attention and potentially permanent injury.

It simply isn’t safe to walk your dog in the heat of the day in most areas. Not only can it lead to heat exhaustion, but your dog’s paws won’t be too happy about it!

There are several ways you can help your dog’s paws stay safe in hotter conditions. Doggy shoes are an easy example. Many dogs will be unsure how to walk in them initially, but that doesn’t mean you should give up.

If you never wore shoes before, they would probably feel quite weird as well!

Practice putting the shoes on your dog inside and give them plenty of time to practice. The terrain indoors is flat and even. Outdoors – not so much. Your dog needs to get a handle on how the shoes change their coordination before they can tackle the outdoors.

Paw wax is an alternative to shoes. Smear it on your pet’s paws before contact with a hot surface to avoid burns. It can also be used in the winter to counter the potentially harmful chemicals on the road, like road salts.

Your dog may still look like the star of a YouTube video with paw wax, though. It may be easier to adapt to their shoes, but many dogs still need time to get used to it.

Top 8 Ways How to Keep Dogs Cool Without Air Conditioning

How can I keep my dog cool without air conditioning?

Cold water is the best way to prevent heat exhaustion and heatstroke. All dogs need water, just like people. When they’re out and about in the heat, they will need more water than usual.

People take water bottles whenever they go hiking in the heat. Your dog needs to take one as well.

Providing this water is relatively easy when your dog is simply romping around in your backyard. Set out a cold bowl of water, changing it regularly.

You shouldn’t wait for the water to be empty before you change it. Once it is lukewarm and appears dirty, switch it out with some fresh.

When you’re on the go, things get a bit more complicated. You could carry a dog bowl of water around with you, but this isn’t practical in the least.

Your best bet is typically a collapsible water bowl or a squirt bottle. They make bottles with bowl-like extensions on them. Squeeze out the water, and, voila, your dog gets a fresh drink.

Offer your dog water every 15 to 20 minutes. They may not drink it each time, but near-constant access is vital. Smaller dogs will need more often sips than large dogs, as they tend to drink less at a time.

Don’t provide too much water at once, though. Dogs may drink too fast and upset their stomach. When your dog is dehydrated, vomiting is not what you want them to do.

Provide Alternative Bedding

How can I keep my dog cool without air conditioning?

Dog houses typically have no airflow. Inside can feel like an oven, especially if it is sitting in the sun.

Some fancier dog houses are made to combat the heat. They may have reflective tops and insulated insides. However, most are not suitable for use in the summertime.

Instead, you’ll need to provide your dog with alternative places to relax in the heat of summer.

Find a nice shady spot and consider adding an elevated dog bed. Not only will these dog beds keep your grass alive, but they also allow the air to flow underneath your dog.

Avoid closed-in areas, even if they are shaded. A mostly enclosed porch is probably not the best option. Instead, look for spaces under shady trees where your dog can stay cool.

How we survived 120 degrees WITHOUT air-conditioning | Tips for staying COOL in the summer!

No matter the time of year, it can get hot. While humans can help themselves cool down on scorching days, our furry friends, on the other hand, cannot.

Cases of heat stroke among dogs increase during the summer months, according to, but it is important to keep an eye on your pets health at all times.

Your dog deserves to be cooled down in stifling heat. Keeping dogs cool does not have to be hard with these tips. Here are some steps for keeping your dog cool on even the hottest days.