How can I tell if my dog likes my cat? Essential Tips

Your cats don’t have any issues sharing a litter box

For cats, litter-box issues tend to come up when the cats really arent bonded to one another, Nelson told INSIDER.

Generally, you should have one litter box per cat in your home, according to the Humane Society of America, and if your cats can share litter boxes comfortably, they may get along better than you think.

“If theres squabbling in our out of the litter box or you have one thats stalking the other when hes in the littler box, that can definitely lead to some more significant behavioral issues,” she told INSIDER. “More severe signs of them not getting along is the avoidance of the litter box or even urinating inappropriately because they dont want to go in the litter box because they are afraid of the other cat coming in or waiting for them outside.”

Your pets know how to calm each other down

Sometimes the vet can be a scary place that causes your cat or dog anxiety. Nelson said that, as a veterinarian, shes seen some owners bring in both of their pets even though only one of them has an appointment, as the other helps provide moral support.

“One thing that we see as veterinarians that most people may not see [is the] almost codependence between animals when they come into the veterinarian hospital. They rely on each other as a source of comfort in times of anxiety,” she explained. “Its really sweet because they do actually depend on each other. That sort of sign of interdependence and moral support that they give each other in times of anxiety is one we see more of in a vet hospital than you might at home. It certainly is a sign of an intense bond between pets.”

They like to snuggle up close to one another and fall asleep

Touching is a sign that animals not only get along well but also that they trust one another, said Nelson.

“If they are sleeping with each other and snuggled up together — really truly making contact with each other — then thats an obvious sign that theres true affection between the animals,” Nelson explained. “They arent going to trust another animal to fall asleep with them if they dont truly get along and have that established bond.”

How to Introduce Dogs & Cats SAFELY What to AVOID

There are some complexities when it comes to feline body language, but for the most part, it’s not hard to discern a cat’s state of mind. Generally speaking, a friendly, happy, relaxed cat appears that way because of their posturing, tail positioning and appearance. Of course, the same is true for an angry, frightened, or potentially aggressive cat.

In other words, if you’re not sure whether your cat likes your dog it’s possible they are merely tolerating them.

Pet owners are animal lovers. We grew up reading about fictional animal characters, watching animated films or television programs that depicted animal heroes and villains, and projecting unquestionably human emotions and thoughts onto the animals we came close to. It’s not a big leap for pet owners to cultivate a happy-looking scene of interspecies cohabitation.

There are many families out there that are lucky enough to have cats, dogs, birds, livestock, or exotic animals that not only get along but thrive in the company of animal friends. Unfortunately, this type of coexistence is really only possible when everyone has ample space.

To get to the bottom of whether or not your cat likes your dog, we turn to logic. If your cat and dog go about their days without incident, consider yourself fortunate. Perhaps far from the of them snuggling, allogrooming, playing, and generally tromping about together, at the very least if there’s no hissing, swatting, yowling, or attacking, there’s a level of tolerance between them.

Cats may appear indifferent to those around them, human or canine alike. As long as they are receiving their meals and attention at regular intervals, with no interruptions to their sleeping, they should continue on without much hassle.

However, if your cat feels like their space is encroached upon, or their personal belongings are no longer fully theirs, you may have problems on your hands.

Be sure that your cat always has their space. Train your dog to leave it or drop it (among other helpful commands). Never allow your dog to sniff out your cat’s litter box (or eat from it), sample your cat’s food, drink from the water fountain, or lounge around in your cat’s tree, crate, catio, or room. Upholding this approach can go a long way toward mitigating any potential fallout between the species.

Cats will retaliate when they feel threatened, and you certainly don’t want to risk an injury to your dog’s face or body. Pay close attention to even subtle changes in body language and intervene before things get out of hand.