How do I bond with my boyfriends dog? Get Your Pet Thinking

Honesty is the Best Policy

There are times when too much information can send a potential boyfriend running. Talking about past relationships is certainly off limits, but your pet companion is not only a great conversation starter, but a good idea for letting Mr. Right get prepared to share your attention.

Each dog personality is a bit different and each will handle a major life change, like the addition of your new boyfriend, in their own special way. For example, skittish dogs that don’t typically enjoy visitors, will require a slow and steady introduction plan that might even take weeks to months before they are comfortable with one another. Other happy go lucky pooches will bond to anyone that has a pulse. These dogs require far less planning and perhaps even a single meeting will establish a strong bond. In most cases, the typical dog-boyfriend introduction period will fall somewhere in between these extremes.

The Way to the Heart

For many dogs, the way to their heart appears to lie in their stomach. If your pooch is treat responsive and loves special treats or toys, this is a great tactic for bonding your boyfriend and pup. A can of special treats close to the door, or even in the most cooperative boyfriend’s car, is a great idea. Each time your new love interest comes to visit, Fido gets a special treat and presto, boyfriend visits are now a super exciting event.

If you’re looking to make them inseparable, here’s a foolproof plan. Incorporate your dog as an integral part of date night. Taking Fido and your new man to the lake for a picnic, going for a hike together and even brief games of Frisbee are great ways to interact with these two. In the process of spending quality time with your favorites, they’ll be forming a bond that lasts and lasts.

How do you know a dog trusts you?

6 Signs Your Dog Trusts You With His Life

  • He Looks You In The Eyes. …
  • He Comes To You For Cuddles. …
  • He’s Confident And Relaxed Around You. …
  • He Responds Well To Your Training. …
  • He’s Calm When You Leave. …
  • He Looks To You For Reassurance And Guidance.
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