How do I clean a dog’s wound at home? Simple and Effective Tips

When to Take Your Dog to the Vet

These types of injuries should be treated by a veterinarian and not at home:

  • Any injury that fully penetrates the skin (a bite wound or deep laceration, for example)
  • Any injury that involves a large portion of the body (or an especially sensitive area)
  • An injury where pus is visible or the skin around your dog’s wound is red and puffy
  • Even minor wounds should be dealt with promptly, before infection has a chance to set in. If you wait too long, infection can spread and your veterinarian will probably need to prescribe antibiotics to prevent the infection from spreading even further.

    If you have any doubts as to the severity of your pet’s injury, play it safe and make an appointment with your veterinarian. And only attempt wound care at home if you are confident that a pet will not react aggressively to the procedure.

    Recruit an assistant to help with restraint, and use a muzzle if necessary.

    Supplies Needed for Dog Wound Care

    Make sure you have these supplies on hand:

  • Electric clippers (scissors or disposable razors are okay if handled carefully)
  • Water-based lubricant like KY jelly (not Vaseline)
  • Warm water
  • Clean towels (paper or cloth)
  • Antiseptic solution (like 2% chlorhexidine)
  • Antimicrobial ointment

    It’ll be impossible to properly clean the wound if blood is still coming out of it.

    Apply pressure to the area with either a small gauze pad or a household towel, depending on the size. Don’t overly concern yourself with sanitizing the cloth before using it, as the target area has not yet been cleaned.

    Eventually, this pressure will cause the blood vessels to clot and slow to a halt.

    Warning Sign: If the blood appears to be spurting out at short, consistent intervals, this could be considered a “pumper.” This means the blood will continue to shoot out with every heartbeat, no matter how much pressure you apply or for how long. If this appears to be the case, you should abandon your at-home attempt and seek immediate medical attention.

    How to Clean a Dog Wound!