How do I cook green beans for my dog? Simple and Effective Tips

Can Dogs Have Green Beans?

Yes! Green beans can be a great addition to a dog’s normal diet and they can make great treats.

Green beans are packed with fiber, low in calories and contain minerals and vitamins, such as Vitamin A, C, and K.

Most dogs will tolerate them in moderation but it’s always recommended to check with your vet before adding any new foods to your dog’s diet.

Green beans are often recommended by many veterinarians for weight loss in dogs and there’s even a green bean diet for dogs.

Replacing a small part of a dog’s regular food with frozen or cooked green beans is a great way to drop some calories and fat from your dog’s diet.

How do I cook green beans for my dog?

Why I Add Green Beans to My Dogs’ Raw Diet

I source my green beans from the grocery store (or Costco), buying frozen, organic green beans. I grow green beans in my garden and other vegetables during the summer. I puree and freeze vegetable blends at the end of the summer.

Are Green Beans for Dogs Safe?

Green beans themselves are not only safe for dogs, veterinarians also recommend them as a healthy treat. Chopped, steamed, raw, or canned — all types of green beans are safe for dogs to eat. But, only as long as they are plain. The key word is “plain”! Therefore, I learned to pay attention to what I was buying at the grocery store.

How do I cook green beans for my dog?

You see, some green beans are prepared with different ingredients that are less healthy and even dangerous. So let’s look at some preparation hazards to avoid:

  • canned beans with added salt
  • green beans cooked with spices
  • green beans cooked with harmful vegetables, such as garlic and onions
  • feeding large, whole green beans to dogs, which can be a choking hazard
  • Homemade Green Bean Treats for Dogs | RECIPE